sacroiliac in a sentence

Use ‘sacroiliac’ in a sentence | ‘sacroiliac’ example sentences

1- This maneuver places pressure directly across the sacroiliac joint.

2- The sacroiliac joints rarely become infected with bacteria.

3- Several modalities can help diagnose sacroiliac joint pathology.

4- Being active became more difficult as she developed severe sacroiliac pain.

5- sacroiliac pain in horses is difficult to diagnose.

6- sacroiliac joint inflammation tends to respond well to conservative therapy.

7- What are good poses for people with sacroiliac pain?

8- The sacroiliac joint contains numerous ridges and depressions that function in stability.

9- The several diagnostic modalities for sacroiliac injuries vary in usefulness and accessibility.

10- These maneuvers are designed to reproduce or increase pain emanating within the sacroiliac joint.

11- However no single test is very reliable in the diagnosis of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

12- Horses with sacroiliac pain show resentment toward one or all of these tests.

13- Radiography of the pelvis is of limited use for diagnosing sacroiliac joint disease.

14- This article reviews the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of sacroiliac joint injuries.

15- Patients with severe and disabling sacroiliac joint dysfunction can suffer from insomnia and depression.

16- The sacroiliac joint is typically L shaped, with the convex border directed caudoventrally.

17- Ultrasonography can help diagnose sacroiliac disease by revealing soft tissue structures and osseous changes.

18- This capsule is strengthened by the ventral, interosseous, and dorsal sacroiliac ligaments.

19- Spina bifida is not linked to any lumbar or sacroiliac injury in adults.

20- It mainly affects joints in the spine and the sacroiliac joint in the pelvis.

21- The cortisone injection delivers a more powerful anti-inflammatory medication directly into the sacroiliac joint itself.

22- The sacroiliac joint is highly dependent on its strong ligamentous structure for support and stability.

23- In all the tests, pain along the typical area raises suspicion for sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

24- The sacroiliac joint is a true diarthrodial joint that joins the sacrum to the pelvis.

25- Certain biomechanical or muscle length imbalances may ultimately predispose a person to sacroiliac dysfunction and pain.

26- Inflammation or ankylosis of the sacroiliac joints is not a mechanical hindrance to giving birth.

27- The pathology of sacroiliac joint injuries may involve the joint itself or soft tissue structures surrounding it.

28- Certain skeletal joints such as the pubic symphysis and sacroiliac widen or have increased laxity.

29- In chronic cases, the affected dorsal sacroiliac ligament can be smaller than the contralateral ligament.

30- Then, downward pressure is applied to the medial knee stressing both the hip and sacroiliac joint.

31- Nuclear scintigraphy has been described as a sensitive and useful diagnostic tool for identifying sacroiliac joint injuries.

32- This pain can be in the spine or it can be in the sacroiliac .

33- Another purported cause for piriformis syndrome is stiffness, or hypomobility, of the sacroiliac joints.

34- Information on the long-term follow-up of horses with sacroiliac region pain is limited in the literature.

35- This test induces motion in the sacroiliac and lumbosacral areas, which stresses the sacroiliac ligament.

36- This test induces motion in the sacroiliac and lumbosacral areas, which stresses the sacroiliac ligament.

37- The earliest changes in the sacroiliac joints demonstrable by plain x–ray shows erosions and sclerosis.

38- There has been some controversy regarding the clinical significance of tuber sacrale height symmetry in sacroiliac pathology.

39- Sacroiliitis: Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint; bilateral sacroiliitis is a hallmark of AS.

40- Any of these muscles can be involved or spasm with a painful and dysfunctional sacroiliac joint. The FABER test (Flexion Abduction External Rotation) is a test for evidence of pathology in the sacroiliac and/or hip joints.

41- The ankles and the sacroiliac joint were quite loosely fixed, while the pelvis had a flexible joint with only one coccygeal vertebra.

42- The human body has two sacroiliac joints, one on the left and one on the right, that often match each other but are highly variable from person to person.

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