sacrificially in a sentence

Use ‘sacrificially’ in a sentence | ‘sacrificially’ example sentences

1- You are to sacrificially love your pastor.

2- Other Christians even sacrificially sold themselves into slavery to emancipate others.

3- People have prayed and sacrificially given.

4- Although lambs sometimes also were killed sacrificially , the male infants were “real” victims.

5- There she served others sacrificially .

6- They do not seek to give sacrificially to others; they seek to gain from others.

7- How has fear kept us from submitting ourselves to the will of the Lord or sacrificially serving others?

8- The Girl of Sacrifice was dosed with Amanita Muscaria and Drugs to Dance to Death sacrificially .

9- This new commandment involves loving one another as He loved us sacrificially , even to the point of death.

10- Our big hearted brother who sacrificially give up a salary in order to have a church are just wrong.

11- We must stand firmly planted in our Rights and Liberty which the nation ‘s Founders sacrificially created for us.

12- All those verses enjoining us to give sacrificially really mean we should keep the money and spend it on ourselves .

13- This involved sacrificially giving not just of 100 of the congregation, but of 100 leaders with their financial commitment.

14- How do you get people to sacrificially give their lives to minister to somebody else when that’s the mentality?

15- Thus the type tells us that the church must walk in the footsteps of her Lord, sacrificially even unto death.

16- As Philippians 2:8 states it, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” He sacrificially gave up his perfect, unforfeited life as a “corresponding price” or ransom, in offset for the forfeited life of Adam.

17- The members have been working sacrificially in recent years to build a church hall to use for church activities and to hire out to raise funds.

18- So there is this little fault which we all know so well, called meanness, the subtle ways we can justify not giving to a particular congregation – but how generous, we tell ourselves, we would be if it were another congregation – there we would be giving sacrificially continually.

19- I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would be very hesitant to criticize the pastor until the congregation did a lot of soul searching to see if they are giving sacrificially .

20- Many would gladly trade places with me — so even if it means driving my 10-year old car another year, I recognize now is the time to give sacrificially .

21- The Japanese church already gives of itself sacrificially in many ways, so the displayed projects offer information for Christians from other parts of the world to assist OMF and the church in the evangelisation of Japan’s millions.

22- I hope readers will be inspired to fight for their marriages with sacrificial love, and will be challenged to look to the future for the rewards of loving sacrificially , and to the past to remember the seeds of real love.

23- While the events of a year ago increasingly become a distant memory for the outside world and fade from the news cycle, it is the Christian volunteers who continue to come and sacrificially serve those who have lost their furusato.

24- Help us, Lord, so to follow our Lord Jesus Christ as His novices that we may reach out sacrificially to the goal He is calling us to.

25- Even today the works of the “tragic optimists” are a model of the heroic style and lofty commitment aimed, above all, at forming full-fledged personalities capable of sacrificially serving and defending the interests of their nation.

26- Grounded in teamwork and egalitarianism, the servant leader involves followers in decision making, is one of strong ethical behavior, and sacrificially provides quality and careful direction to those under his or her direction (Spears, 1996).

27- Among the boys, Simon is the one who arrives at the moral truth of the novel, and the other boys kill him sacrificially as a consequence of having discovered this truth.

28- Short of instinctive programming to avoid the aposematic organism (which is seen occasionally), it is unlikely that any potential prey will be prepared to sacrificially educate its predator.

29- Tantalus was endlessly punished in Tartarus, because he allegedly killed his son Pelops and sacrificially offered him to the Olympians, a reference to the suppression of human sacrifice.

30- Zrinski is depicted in the plot as a 16th-century Croatian hero who defeated the Turks a couple of times before perishing sacrificially , along with his family and close supporters, in the siege of Szigeth castle.

31- The Battle of Hill 60 lasted for eight days and while the summit was eventually reached, the Allies were unable to completely dislodge the sacrificially fighting Ottoman defenders.

32- However, he sacrificially volunteers to eventually journey to the World, become a man himself, and redeem the Fall of Man through his own death and resurrection.

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