sacrifice in a sentence

Use ‘sacrifice’ in a sentence | ‘sacrifice’ example sentences

1- Animal sacrifice was common during such functions.

2- The greatest love required the greatest sacrifice .

3- He disallowed corporal punishment and animal sacrifices .

4- A presidential campaign demands so many sacrifices .

5- That is why sacrificing is so important.

6- I really believe these “bad men” are sacrifices .

7- Daniel chapter 8 places heavy emphasis upon the regular daily sacrifice .

8- Christianity itself is based on human sacrifice .

9- He performed many sacrifices and made many gifts.

10- Every morning present yourself a living sacrifice .

11- Four of five worship offerings are blood sacrifices .

12- Here is human sacrifice going on worldwide every minute.

13- Satan suddenly realizes his sacrifice is impure.

14- And sacrifice and deferred gratification are never easy.

15- Each personal sacrifice is a step toward perfection.

16- Modern hearing devices merge style and comfort without sacrificing capabilities.

17- And doing it without anyone sacrificing anything.

18- The programs are needed to increase productivity without sacrificing quality.

19- Human sacrifice was practiced in many ancient cultures.

20- The forms sacrifice might take vary considerably.

21- Human sacrifice was a very complex ritual.

22- Blood sacrifice in various forms were conducted.

23- Overall height fell by without sacrificing interior room.

24- Tacitus describes both animal and human sacrifice .

25- Single stones and small groups are often sacrificed .

26- It is possible the deceased were sacrifices .

27- How many more must be sacrificed before something sensible is done?

28- Human sacrifice has been practiced in various cultures throughout history.

29- Human sacrifice was practiced by many ancient cultures.

30- The prohibition against committing murder includes a prohibition against human sacrifice .

31- These techniques sacrifice spatial resolution to approximate deeper color resolution.

32- These rewards gave eternal value to those temporal sacrifices .

33- Anything more complex requires escalating sacrifices in quality.

34- There were three different types of sacrifice .

35- Soul sacrifice has had 3 different commercials this month .

36- Never sacrifice muscle tissue during the fat loss process.

37- Your sacrifice of sleep is greatly appreciated.

38- Sometimes generosity and self sacrifice are involved.

39- sacrifice and loyalty to family are a Vietnamese tradition.

40- He sold his goods at a sacrifice to close down his business.

41- Find someone who has visited a sacred site in his/her country.

42- sacrificeThe greatest sacrifice a man can make is to give his life for his country.

43- There is a Filipino proverb which notes that there’s no glory without sacrifice.

44- Making a choice always means making a sacrifice, giving up one thing for another.

45- Sylvia Pankhurst once declared that war did not justify the sacrifice of a single mother’s son.

46- Nowadays, it seems there are fewer people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their country.

47- The ancient Incas of Peru used llamas to carry burdens, as food, and for sacrifice in religious ceremonies.

More Sentences: 1234
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