real threat in a sentence

Use ‘real threat’ in a sentence | ‘real threat’ example sentences

1- The nuclear threat is still a real threat .

2- Israel is the real threat to world peace ?

3- The real threat was more substantial, and imminent.

4- So, real threat or phantom menace?

5- This is the real threat to US hegemony.

6- What is the real threat to the internet?

7- Yet the real threat comes from fission particles inside the body.

8- On form Cambridge look a real threat .

9- The real threats to the business may be less ideological .

10- ISIS and Islamic radicals are a real threat .

11- Global warming is a very real threat to our national security.

12- Because the government claims the underwear bomber is a real threat !

13- Yes, radical Islam abroad is a real threat .

14- That makes sense; Putin is a real threat .

15- The real threat was the vastness itself.

16- Declining bee numbers are a real threat to food production.

17- So MITM attacks are very likely a real threat .

18- But what are the real threats our society faces?

19- This is the real threat facing the extinction of Earth .

20- Their request was simple: Show us the real threat !

21- Foreign attacks on elections also may be a real threat .

22- Yes, China and Russia are real threats .

23- Transphobia is a real threat to our families.

24- Yet serious uprisings in Ireland and England were a real threat .

25- There was a real threat that she might have to resign.

26- The real threat arose shortly thereafter.

27- These five events are real threats to this President remaining in office.

28- Obviously the whole point about … missile defense is about real threats .

29- The real threat is to the tankers and the worlds energy supply.

30- Cyber- warfare represents a real threat to the Nations interests.

31- Nabal was no real threat to David’s survival.

32- Rather, the real threat to the stripped bass is over-fishing.

33- Usually it will require some very real threat to life and limb.

34- I think on set-pieces we were a real threat today.

35- Invasive plants are posing a real threat to Michigan’s natural habitats.

36- An issue this large encompasses many elements : what is the real threat ?

37- But every top Israeli leader believes a nuclear Iran is a real threat .

38- The judgment was greeted in parts of offshore world as a real threat .

39- That ‘s a real threat to the next tiers, he said.

40- I’d like to laugh but these guys are a real threat . A lot of people seem to be happily ignorant of the real threat of global warming.

41- Share Save Passing out during a Netflix session is a very real threat.

42- The Wall Street Journal. 4:31 Could Lower Yields Be the real threat to Stocks?

43- Whether the indications were a real threat, or just an indication, we don’t know.”

44- Even as they expore their options, Reed said asteroids pose no real threat to Earth.

45- 300779His parents knew their son was struggling but never thought he was a real threat.

46- I do not hesitate to say that there may be a real threat to Bahamian sovereignty at hand.

47- … Scientologists responded with a campaign to inform the public of the very real threat to personal liberties and freedom of speech posed by the measure.

48- For wooden structures, such as early motte-and-baileys, fire was a real threat and attempts would be made to set them alight as can be seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.

49- The king soon came to consider that the real threat to Siam came from the French, not the British.

50- Owain Glyndwr In the early 15th century during the Owain Glyndwr revolt in Wales against the new King Henry IV the building was under a very real threat from Welsh forces.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
military threatnuclear threatdirect threatrepresent a threatimmediate threatpresenta threatvain threatreal threatidle threatempty threatthreatedthreatenthreaten tothreatenedthreaten that

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