Use “prized possession” in a sentence | “prized possession” example sentences
1- The boy’s robot toy was his most prized possession.
2- Mike Tunnell walked off with the prized possession of a wooden spoon.
3- His second most prized possession was a magic cauldron that could never be emptied.
4- This collection really was my prized possession .
5- Surely every player has a prized possession ?
6- This precious stone is a woman’s prized possession .
7- Traditional masks are a dancer’s prized possession .
8- He shared his prized possessions with Junior.
9- And the total cost of his homemade prized possession ?
10- It was like the most prized possession .
11- Books are me most prized possessions , ye ken.
12- Simba’s most prized possession was his tire.
13- Offer your most prized possession for the resident ‘s life.
14- Its the ideal platform for owners to show off their prized possession .
15- I wasn’t willing to do that to my prized possession .
16- Situation: Write to explain why the object is your prized possession .
17- Harry also inherits indirectly two of his father’s prized possessions .
18- His most famous prized possession is his Number One Dime.
19- These documents must have been among the mariner’s most prized possessions .
20- What is your most prized possession ?
21- The buckle was perhaps the single most prized possession of the corps members.
22- Goa was their prized possession and the seat of Portugal’s viceroy.
23- One of Woodland’s prized possessions is the Woodland Opera House.
24- However, criminals can battle orders to give up their prized possessions .
25- A house is one of the most prized possessions in our society.
26- Horses were often considered the most prized possession of a medieval Icelander.
27- Mike Tunnell walked off with the prized possession of a wooden spoon.
28- This is a prized possession that many memorabilia collectors would love to have .
29- And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession .
30- Calligraphy later became commercialized, and works by famous artists became prized possessions .
31- The boxed sets may be prized possessions , a holy book in digitized motion.
32- His prized possessions were a rocking chair and a library of few hundred books.
33- Most people view their cars as one of their most prized possessions .
34- Probably my most prized possession , The Beatles White Album on vinyl.
35- Ruth’s most prized personal possession is her family home at Howards End.
36- O’Reilly said that “The bosie became my most prized possession .
37- The 99 High Gear card below and on the right is a prized possession .
38- Most prized possession : My indestructible battle hammer!
39- To gain a place was indeed a prized possession for both boys and their parents.
40- Say the individual becomes very generous and begin to give away their most prized possessions .
41- During the evacuation, Fagin loses his prized possessions , which sink into mud.
42- Many residents left behind their most prized possessions as they fled from the flood waters.
43- Jabba would send even his most loyal servants and prized possessions to their deaths.
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