powers of observation in a sentence

powers of observation in a sentence

1) This exercise will help increase your powers of observation .

2) This exercise also improves your powers of observation !

3) Her powers of observations however, remained no less acute.

4) Your powers of observation are quite modest, Modesto.

5) There are people gifted by nature with the powers of observation .

6) Nil powers of observation , that man: always did have.

7) You may have noticed that children’s powers of observation are quite acute.

8) Her style is much like yours and she has the same wonderful powers of observation .

9) We will look for evidence of life in mud using our powers of observation .

10) It engages OUR powers of observation and reflection, not just the writer’s.

11) Detectives combine great powers of observation with highly evolved intuition to deduce the solutions to crimes.

12) Experience heightens our powers of observation since it teaches us what to look for.

13) Those of you with advanced powers of observation will have noticed that I am old.

14) These influences led him to use his own powers of observation to make important scientific discoveries.

15) By the age of 6, Dasan’s father was impressed by his powers of observation .

16) During the Hunter Exam, Gon was often praised for his powers of observation and agility.

17) There are several simple exercises you can do if you wish to improve your powers of observation .

18) Your creativity is aided by strong powers of observation and the willingness to participate in a group effort.

19) Prior to the nineteenth century there was little difference in the powers of observation between physician and patient.

20) Holmes maintains strict adherence to scientific methods and focuses on logic and the powers of observation and deduction.

21) If you can’t get a reliable response, then you must use your powers of observation .

22) They’ll then use their judgement to predict the outcome or have their powers of observation tested.

23) The real gift science confers is teaching how to reach potent conclusions by common powers of observation and reasoning.

24) As a couple, being solarized through the sign Virgo, gives your partnership great powers of observation .

25) It appears that Laurel’s drug use has affected the powers of observation in Katie Cassidy’s character.

26) More than all else, the Mediterranean years sharpened the natural powers of observation Columbus displayed throughout his lifetime.

27) To reach this conclusion, I applied my powers of observation and rational thought to the world around me.

28) A remarkable letter from Warltire to Priestley, dated 3 January 1777, indicates his acute powers of observation .

29) The six wings symbolically show they have tremendous speed and the eyes symbolically show they have keen powers of observation .

30) Over time and with encouragement, students learn how to use their powers of observation to develop critical thinking skills.

31) Engage your powers of observation to discover these signs in one of the world’s most fragile and beautiful places.

32) In other words, you require acute powers of observation in nature to get good at spotting and resourcing önd potential.

33) When serving as an evaluator, we must use all powers of observation to absorb the entirety of the speakerâs communication.

34) Our powers of observation are, however, so blunted, that without the looking-glass we should not find this out.

35) Color blind, tone deaf, and with unusual muscle control abilities, he was acknowledged to have extraordinary powers of observation .

36) With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake.

37) But his brilliant powers of observation and deduction allow him to eke out an existence as a freelance consultant to the police.

38) Pictures can be used to increase the powers of observation of nurses and the interpretation of non-verbal signals both to and from the patient.

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