powder burn in a sentence

powder burn in a sentence

1) Some powders burn more uniformly than others and contribute to better accuracy.

2) This means as the powder burns , the burn rate slows down.

3) Spicer noted that no powder burns were found on his clothing.

4) No powder burns on his hands, arms or body proved it.

5) Smokeless powder burns only on the surfaces of the pieces.

6) Given the powder burns on her shirt, he determines that she shot herself.

7) There is a cylinder guard on both sides an so no one will get a powder burn .

8) He suffered powder burns and a scalp wound – proof that the Italians had tried to kill him.

9) The shot left no powder burn , and passed straight through the soldier’s body, close to his temple.

10) One bullet was fired less than half an inch from Blakely’s back and left powder burns on his skin.

11) Since smokeless powders burn , not detonate, the reaction can only take place on the surface of the powder.

12) There was also the bullet wound in the center of Sherri’s chest, and the hole and powder burns on the blanket.

13) No complaints and no powder burns from the cylinders on either side because there are two small guards on both sides of the gun.

14) powder burns on the hemline of her skirt, which had been raised to her waist, indicated that the gun had been fired from close range at least once.

15) Smokeless powders come in a variety of shapes, which serve to determine how fast they burn, and also how the burn rate changes as the powder burns .

16) Double-base powders burn faster than single-base powders of the same shape, though not as cleanly, and burn rate increases with nitroglycerin content.

17) Air guns are comparatively safer to use since while using them there is no risk of gun powder burns on the hands and face.

18) 387: ” powder burn

19) ” D-846 powder burned faster than normal powder, which meant that it exerted greater pressure on the shell when fired.

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