postmodernist in a sentence

Use “postmodernist” in a sentence | “postmodernist” example sentences

1- These conditions postmodernist art is often held to reflect.

2- In postmodernist art a linguistic support is often necessary.

3- His criticisms of scientific method were adopted by several postmodernist critiques.

4- The same is true of our reception of postmodernist painting.

5- Is this a subtle postmodernist troll or something ?

6- Many of them are considered to be ” postmodernists “.

7- The postmodernist reaction to commodification is of different colour.

8- A postmodernist re-reads popular literature as an essential cultural production.

9- Much the opposite with postmodernist surrealism and pop art.

10- The next section will contrast possible aspects of modernist and postmodernist organization forms.

11- Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche influenced a number of important postmodernist thinkers.

12- So although Dooyeweerd opposes modernism, he is not himself a postmodernist .

13- Others do not report academic misconduct because of postmodernist views on cheating.

14- He provides an introduction to the debates and issues of postmodernist history.

15- The Idea of immediate knowledge is contrary to constructivism and postmodernist thought.

16- Mark Leyner (born 1956), postmodernist author.

17- This, like mainstream postmodernist cinema, is figural and privileges spectacle.

18- The postmodernist critiques of science have themselves been the subject of intense controversy.

19- I take the avant-garde of the 1920s to be postmodernist .

20- Its postmodernist approach to style incorporates traditional design elements and gives them modern treatments.

21- Roman Polanski’s psyche, the postmodernist novella in a nutshell.

22- It is, as the postmodernists tell us, always self-referential.

23- The whole postmodernist , self-reflexive fact-fiction sitcom thing”.

24- Why do postmodernists love this medium?

25- I cannot agree with these postmodernist revisions of Dooyeweerd’s ideas.

26- This is a postmodernist interpretation that cannot be reconciled with Dooyeweerd.

27- It bears the same relationship to postmodernist music that postmodernity bears to postmodernism.

28- Changing international architectural trends introduced some architectural styles (particularly the postmodernist style) here.

29- The moral ideals of the Enlightenment and Western liberal democracy are discredited by postmodernists .

30- It was out of these that what has been hypothesized as postmodernist organization developed.

31- The postmodernist cultural form is not (Bürger 1984, p. 122).

32- A postmodernist may be too sophisticated for Adam and Eve and the Garden .

33- A postmodernist will object that it is not possible to return to pre-modernism.

34- Where modernist consumption was premised on mass forms, postmodernist consumption is premised on niches.

35- The works of Mario Vargas Llosa are viewed as both modernist and postmodernist novels.

36- A distinctively modern approach to Wharton utilizing the terminology and premises of postmodernist literary criticism.

37- McHale,Brian, (1987) ‘” postmodernist Fiction”.

38- What are the postmodernists trying to do and should one want to join in?

39- Among those categorized as postmodernist , literary minimalism is most commonly associated with Samuel Beckett.

40- Poststructuralist theories of IR developed in the 1980s from postmodernist studies in political science.

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