portaging in a sentence

Use “portaging” in a sentence | “portaging” example sentences

1- Multi-sectioned or collapsible fishing rods are often used for ease in carrying while portaging .

2- Not stormbound but exhausted by our portaging efforts, we were now landbound!

3- To aid this, it has improved the facilities for portaging boats at the locks.

4- While portaging , Jessica of Team Grad Students stepped in a hole and injured her knee.

5- Thus, portaging can be a necessary incident to navigation, and may be permissible in navigable streams.

6- The Boundary Waters is a canoe area wilderness set aside for paddling, portaging and camping in a natural setting.

7- Canoe campers often use Duluth packs, designed for easy portaging and loading in canoes, to carry their gear.

8- After portaging their canoes to the Wisconsin River, they entered the Mississippi River on June 17, 1673.

9- We had a very large group of paddlers on this run, and most were already portaging this first short section.

10- A trip down all but the deepest of channels required regular portaging , an endeavor for which my boat was ill-suited.

11- Less than that is likely to have you portaging through shallower sections or, at the very least, bottoming out frequently.

12- Satisfied, the residents still feared the return trip; 2-3 days of canoeing and portaging up all of those Amik (Beaver) dams.

13- While the question of portaging has not been definitively ruled upon in Ohio, a good case can be made that boaters have a right of portage.

14- There were about a hundred Iroquois Indians who had been engaged as guides and boatmen, and these were to precede the expedition and arrange for the portaging and crossing the rivers before the arrival of the troops.

15- I took very few rests, rarely for longer than 5 or 10 minutes (except lunches, which ran about 20 minutes, and after portaging dams), and paddled fairly consistently the rest of the time.

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