portage route in a sentence

Use “portage route” in a sentence | “portage route” example sentences

1- The portage route for Hammer Slammer is on the river right side.

2- The portage route up the Humber River eventually leads past this well-known landmark.

3- He offered much useful information about water levels, upcoming dams, and portage routes .

4- The portage route is along the right or you can run it down the left hand side.

5- The alternative used was sleighs drawn by horses over the frozen waterways and along the old Hudson Bay portage routes .

6- There the Iroquois had a well-established portage route which bypassed the rapids and the cataract later known as Niagara Falls.

7- The freight route began at Big River and followed the frozen waterways and old Hudson’s Bay portage routes that led into the various parts of northern Saskatchewan.

8- They spent the entire season travelling miles across old portage routes on foot, and by canoe along the Lake, inspecting bush and wildlife.

9- While an excellent portage route is available on river right, it is also possible to run the Civil Structure by dropping over on far river right.

10- A John Stedman came to Niagara Falls area in the late 1750s from Worcester, England, and developed a portage route across the Falls.

11- Moncton is situated at the southern end of a traditional native portage route between the Petitcodiac River and Shediac Bay on the nearby Northumberland Strait.

12- As the portage route grew in use, the name became more widely used and was eventually attached to a French trading fort just inland from Lake Ontario on the Humber.

13- Eventually, the name was anchored to the mouth of the Humber River, the end of the Toronto Carrying-Place Trail portage route from Georgian Bay; this is where the city of Toronto is located today.

14- The Petitcodiac River region was first settled by the Mi’kmaq, who used the river’s upstream current as part of a portage route between Shubenacadie and a winter camp at the confluence of the Anagance and North rivers.

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