popped in a sentence 4

Use ‘popped’ in a sentence | ‘popped’ example sentences

149- I popped over to check out the links in the show notes and will chime in to say that I’m thankful for you both as well.

150- I popped over to the Swapaholics blog but I had to also say: I love your face in that last picture.

151- I popped some ibuprofen and sat back, figuring they would kick in before the fans entered the convention.

152- I popped the berries in my mouth and savored the extra bit of sweetness that you get in late season, knowing full well that this was it for 10 months.

153- I stopped taking the meds and havent popped an antacid in a long time.

154- It had to be a tech company when the bubble popped.

155- I think by the time I crossed the 75% mark I kind of knew what would happen, but some specific items really surprised me when they popped out of my head.

156- It just popped out,” he told Colbert.

157- It must have just popped up on youtube or a blog site again.

158- It popped its head above the parapet earlier this year-under the collective banner of Planet Alpha ApS Game Studio and Team17-and it’s now got a release date: September 4, 2018.

159- It popped up a clear warning that the test program might be malicious, with a detailed list of its reasons, and its reasons made total sense.

160- It popped up at just the right moment.

161- It’s been five years of celebrations, dozens of updates, hundreds of levels, millions of downloads, and billions of popped pigs.

162- It’s important to note that this callback will be called while when the fragment-transaction occurs, and while when it’s popped out of the backstack (on back navigation).

163- It was also a week of no unpacking o’ library books, as other projects popped up (and we have a bookcase shortage!).

164- It was an extra special treat to have one’s parents take you there – memories have popped into my head from a lovely nostalgic childhood.

165- ” I was wishing i was cooking alongside someone when Eric logged in. I’d just popped my first batch into the oven, and decided to open my laptop and distract myself from the non-poofing gougeres.

166- I watched one customer desperately trying to connect his camera via USB to his laptop, and the USB port popped right out of the camera due to his overuse and rough manner with the USB cable.

167- I went to the hospital again and the doctor said that it sounds like a popped cyst.

168- Just last week, another build of the Windows 10 Technical Preview — Build 10041 — popped onto the landscape.

169- Just when I thought I was going to be good today this popped onto my feed!

170- Last summer, a new section on Apple’s Developer site popped up.

171- Last week Mr Bush popped by in Tallinn on his way to the a fortnight ago.

172- Later that day Aucant popped in for a chat and a coffee and when he noticed that Flamant was unwell he immediately pulled him to safety and called the emergency services.

173- Later that evening Martha Graham popped into my head.

174- Make your own by drizzling (not coating) melted dark chocolate over air-popped (or stove-popped) popcorn and sprinkling with a dash of sea salt.

175- Mrs. Clinton’s campaign was so confident in her victory that her aides popped open Champagne on the campaign plane early Tuesday.

176- No single word comes to mind, but a new phrase popped into my head recently, which I love and just used in a keynote speech I gave this week: the architecture of dreams!

177- Odd coincidence that you are back today and you popped into my mind this morning.

178- Oddly, I kept getting the impression that the popcorn had been popped in mustard oil, because the wasabi had a faintly mustardy taste, if you ask me.

179- Once Finicum stopped, Neidert said he popped out of the snow, a little dazed and shaken, behind the right rear tire of the truck.

180- Once he arrived, he took the chip out of the camera and popped it into his laptop as a few curious postal workers hovered over his shoulder.

181- Once you have the ingredients in place, the prep time is about 30 minutes and then the potpie gets popped it in the oven for an additional 22-25 minutes.

182- On day one of the conference, I just used my iPhone normally, until at some point in the early evening when it popped up a warning that only 20 percent of its battery life remained.

183- One day, Chef Lafite talked about the seasonal sciroccos in Sicily and what was the first thing that popped into my head?

184- One of the videos that popped on my feed was a user called “The Lazy Ass Stoner”.

185- One year to the day, he came to Ireland and popped the question.

186- On the one occasion I forgot to charge them, I was still able to eke out enough power to see me through a 20-minute run (without heart-rate tracking) following the first dreaded “battery low” notification popped up on my walk to the start line.

187- On this site I clicked on the support link and a phone number popped up.

188- Other similar establishments soon popped up in the 1970s, generally publicly advertising themselves as coffeeshops, which soon became the accepted way to advertise an establishment that sold pot.

189- Otherwise, spoon the popped corn into the pan, throw away any unpopped kernels, and replenish the coarse salt.

190- Our desire to go there popped up in our heads a few years ago, but we never had the time to organize it up until now.

191- Our new accessories also popped up on Croatian website and Star, a daily newspaper in Turkey.

192- Out of the blue this error popped up for me trying to upload an image in the CP (Forbidding – You don’t have permission to access /admin.php on this server).

193- She came across the Chicago Bungalow Association online not long ago and suggested the group also consider offering ideas on how to make popped bungalows look more authentic.

194- She opened John’s mouth and popped in the Thermometer.

195- Similar quibbles popped up as we checked the Web, all of them focused on the sensor’s built-in acceleration feature.

196- Simmer gently for 20 minutes, or until all the cranberries have popped and broken down into a sauce.

197- Since I totally popped a flat, I flipped my hazards on and stayed home this weekend.

198- Since the game’s launch, numerous companies have popped up to sell players gold and other services, such as leveling up characters and running through specific quests and battlegrounds to earn the resources required for certain items.

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