poplars in a sentence

Use ‘poplars’ in a sentence | ‘poplars’ example sentences

1- The promenade was also recovered with the plantation of many white poplars and European hackberry trees.

2- There is also “a magnificent plantation of huge old poplars” adjoining the gompa – a rare treat in the mostly treeless Zanskar.

3- Guiseppe’s home is off the R101 on the Belair farm, which has a luxury guesthouse complete with Lombardy poplars and a full-size Chartres labyrinth of yellow gazanias.

4- I spent a few hours answering e-mails at a coffee, wishing I really were on holiday, wishing I really were back at Kliphuis watching the sky change and the poplars turn yellow.

5- It is there in his tonal “Avenue of poplars in Autumn” (1884), featuring a woman in mourning as a pilgrim, and in the fragmented pines leaning towards each other in flamboyant disarray on a pink footway in “Path in the Garden of the Asylum” (1889).

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