polygamy in a sentence

Use ‘polygamy’ in a sentence | ‘polygamy’ example sentences

1- The abolishment of polygamy was perhaps his most controversial move.

2- We don’t have polygamy in Japan, dear.

3- Bigamy and polygamy are illegal under both federal and Montana state law.

4- Blackmore, the leader of a fundamentalist sect located in Bountiful, B.C., is charged with polygamy.

5- The teaching that polygamy brings exaltation in heaven is a legacy of the early Mormon church.

6- polygamy is the practice of men taking more than one wife.

7- polygamy Was Better than Monotony 197 Although estranged in many ways from Mormonism, Bailey always embraced that part of his heritage.

8- He also publicly spoke in favor of polygamy on January 13, and declared that lessons in the Koran and Sharia should be obligatory at Chechen schools.

9- polygamy has been an acceptable practice among the Comorians.

10- Mormon theology was far out of the mainstream, and rumors to the effect it practiced polygamy were true.

11- Before 1917 in Russia, polygamy was practised only by the wealthier classes and was a waning institution.

12- Bigamy is banned by Section 290. However, for a long time, the law banning polygamy has not been efficient.

13- In 1867-96, eastern activists promoted woman suffrage in Utah as an experiment, and as a way to eliminate polygamy.

14- This helped in restricting polygamy, and ensuring that women were guaranteed their rights as was promised in the Koran.

15- polygamy in all its forms is a recipe for social structures that inhibit and ultimately undermine social freedom and democracy.

16- polygamy in Christianity is a not a form of marriage that is generally accepted within Christianity.

17- polygamy is practiced by the Fremen in Frank Herbert ‘s Dune as a means to pinpoint male infertility.

18- Individuals lived in tribes of roughly 150 people, regularly practiced war and often engaged in polygamy.

19- Some church commentators have noted that polygamy among early Mormons resulted from more women in Utah than men.

20- However, many followers of Joseph Smith insist that his denial of practicing polygamy was an attempt to protect the church from any further persecution from its enemies.

21- Also, there are religious groups in this country that do sanction polygamy.

22- A case for decriminalizing polygamy OPINION: Canada not doing enough to protect refugees against despotic regimes Should apologies be admissible in court?

23- As an organization, the FLDS is well known for polygamy, arranged marriages between underage girls and old men, child rape and the expulsion of young men.

24- And we’re working on polygamy and pedophilia.”

25- But in the end the multiplicity of perspectives serves to broaden Ebershoff’s depiction not only of polygamy, but also of the people whose lives it informs.

26- He found the book revelatory about how women were being abused inside a religious subculture and invited me to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in July 2008, where I talked about alleged federal crimes associated with polygamy.

27- Not long after Grandpa read that paper, he started asking questions at church, questions about Joseph Smith’s original teachings and why polygamy was no longer a part of the Mormon way of life.

28- Or maybe the younger brother is picked up at a discount from the “I Am Not a Witch” Store in the “polygamy is Wrong” section?

29- Studies have also shown that biologically humans tend to lean towards polygamy (like most species).

30- Though many expected Akin to take several wives, he and Yejide have always agreed: polygamy is not for them.

31- Would you find it refreshing to read a book with Mormon characters that isn’t about polygamy and sister wives?

32- ‘Even those in favour of polygamy agreed that most fathers do not manage their households in a fair and equitable manner.

33- It is quite strange that people who look down at polygamy do not mind zina and fornication, whereas this is the thing to frown and look down upon.

34- On the episode, Papa Penny asked Baba Mselekhu a lot questions about polygamy and said he’d convince his wife to agree with him on taking more wives.

35- She also provides affirming therapy for those in or exploring consensually non-monogamous relationship structures such as polyamory, polygamy, open relationships, and swinging, as well as those who are in BDSM/kink relationships.

36- Some of the speakers recommended polygamy as one potential remedy for the crisis.

37- What is perhaps even more striking is that the majority did not even appear concerned about the extension of its logic to polygamy.

38- Where polygamy is practised in a legal marriage, the term ‘spouse’ means the surviving spouses collectively.

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