pollutes in a sentence

Use ‘pollutes’ in a sentence | ‘pollutes’ example sentences

1- Factory waste sometimes pollutes our rivers.

2- It is forbidden to use leaded gasoline because it pollutes too much.

3- She gave up meat, except for fish, she said, because raising animals for agriculture pollutes.

4- ” A senior official at the Ministry of Culture said the play “pollutes young minds” and “should not be shown anywhere in Pakistan.

5- At UMaine, tobacco use pollutes the environment, lessens the appearance of the campus and increases maintenance costs.

6- ES5 strict mode already changes runtime semantics for existing syntax ( no longer pollutes the caller’s scope; does not alias formal parameters; a few others), for the better.

7- Coal mining negatively affects the livelihoods of many in communities, destroys animal habitats, and pollutes the environment whilst at the.

8- Coal mining negatively affects the livelihoods of many in communities, destroys animal habitats, and pollutes the environment whilst at the same time its burning significantly contributes to climate change.

9- The gold mining industry pollutes both water and air resources in numerous ways.

10- Try not to swim if you have any newly put on sun-cream, as this also pollutes the water.

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