polluters in a sentence

Use ‘polluters’ in a sentence | ‘polluters’ example sentences

1- Abbott opposes making polluters pay to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

2- So far, both countries – among the globe’s top carbon polluters – are on board.

3- He also said the U.S. can only do so much when other countries are massive polluters.

4- Developing nations want rich economies that are bigger polluters to shoulder a bigger burden.

5- Greenpeace and civil society stands with India in demanding accountability from the major polluters.

6- Such credits can be purchased by polluters that do have a regulatory limit.

7- As a result, they say, heavy polluters are generating huge profits from the ETS scheme.

8- Back then, this tax, which saw polluters paying for their greenhouse gas emissions, split the party.

9- America’s government today limits the amount of mercury and arsenic that polluters can spew into our skies.

10- “As the people most acutely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, we will not let the big polluters decide and assign our fate,” they said in a statement.

11- 2 degrees Celsius: A critical number for climate change 2 degrees Celsius: A critical number for climate change 01:16 For context, here’s a list of the top climate polluters today.

12- “Americans need to know if Pruitt is still playing patty-cake with the big polluters the EPA’s supposed to protect us from,” Meg Townsend, the organization’s open government attorney, said in a about the lawsuit.

13- He will continue to champion deregulation and permit big polluters to evade compliance altogether,” Morrison added.

14- Jim Boak, equipment and crop technology specialist for The Salford Group in Salford, Ontario: There is no mystery about how we in agriculture ended up being major polluters without trying.

15- Now, government ‘Protection Agencies’ are in the pockets of the polluters and poisoners, as are the Courts (Monsanto vs Farmer http://thegranddisillusion.

16- “Once again, Congress is sacrificing our children’s future to protect polluters’ short-term profits.”

17- Bond, Patrick (2013) Yet another ‘Conference of polluters’.

18- Compliance with the law should not be optional, and it is completely outrageous that mega-polluters like Sasol and Natref are wasting time and money by challenging air quality legislation, which has been set to protect people’s health.

19- He raised that there is also a need to avoid a culture where polluters rely on others to fix their mess.

20- Hopefully the Blue Scorpions will be well-equipped and motivated to arrest and charge water polluters.

21- It is the DEA’s intention to use extended producer responsibility as an upstream economic instrument to grow the recycling industry, to get polluters to pay and to reduce the generation of waste.

22- South Africa’s long-awaited and, for large polluters, long-dreaded carbon tax law will possibly allow companies to escape up to 95% of their liability and in effect reduce the cost of carbon from R120 to as little as R6 a ton.

23- The combination is on display again this week, in Lima, Peru, at the twentieth annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ‘Conference of the Parties’, the ‘COP20’ (actually, ‘Conference of the polluters’ is more accurate).

24- The ‘environmental services’ trade also fuels the impunity of polluters and destroyers: instead of complying with laws that prohibit polluting and deforestation, they can ‘compensate’ for these ills.

25- Will Durban be a Conference of polluters?

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