pointed in a sentence 2

Use ‘pointed’ in a sentence | ‘pointed’ example sentences

51- “Those people may be sitting on a lot of (student) debt,” she pointed out.

52- 769365The President had pointed criticism for Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona.

53- 412048It’s just about getting everybody pointed in the right direction.”””

54- Kivimäki pointed to three possibilities: A toxic effect from stress itself.

55- He pointed to Celgene, Gilead Sciences (GILD) and Juno Therapeutics (JUNO).

56- Renzi also pointed to global challenges, including international terrorism.

57- Now, that can never be acceptable in any jurisdiction,” Graham pointed out.

58- As proof, Triggs pointed to the recent sudden death one of his best friends.

59- “Why is it me?” he asked, jabbing himself in his chest with a pointed thumb.

60- Seegraves also pointed to his family background as a key to his development.

61- 274321He made a pistol with his finger and pointed to the back of his head.

62- 833045They pushed me as well and they pointed their guns at me,”” he said.”

63- Allkushi allegedly grabbed the victim by the collar and pointed a gun at him.

64- Carroll pointed out that Wilson missed Graham on third-and-eight in overtime.

65- Carter allegedly pointed the firearm at the child and threatened to shoot him.

66- He pointed to those who had lost their jobs and with it their social standing.

67- Of course odds are this is completely staged, as many outlets have pointed out.

68- As Dan pointed out, a lot of markets are sneaking up on their pre-bubble peaks.

69- The store’s owner, Jerry Caves, pointed a gun at the pair as they ran past him.

70- He seemed confused when Ramshaw pointed out other people have the same birthday.

71- But he pointed to other areas of strength, including the improving U.S. economy.

72- A series of pointed subtweets and a new Twitter header that shows a topless TLC.

73- The policy does not recognize the complexity of transitioning, Kirby pointed out.

74- This time though, many pointed out it wasn’t just Paris that needed the goodwill.

75- Fog hung across the sea, and Murray pointed to the hazy outline of distant cliffs.

76- One man was fatally shot when he pointed his gun at police and refused to drop it.

77- Homeless neighbors could also participate in the garden, one commenter pointed out.

78- Harreld, he pointed out, will make five hundred and ninety thousand dollars a year.

79- Much of what we saw at CES this year pointed to an even bigger play at this market.

80- The government also pointed to a 2013 estimate by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

81- Specifically, he pointed to cyber jobs as an area where standards could be relaxed.

82- Maurice pointed to the fact that it shouldn’t be difficult to play with a big lead.

83- Authorities said Johnson pointed a gun at police before an officer fatally shot him.

84- Letterman, of course, didn’t take the easy route and asked pointed, frank questions.

85- An m.c. pointed out the celebrities in attendance: “I saw Tom Green walking around!”

86- They pointed to the cost of health care and everyday expenses such as food and heat.

87- Then, unexpectedly, he pointed in another direction, urging them onward into Serbia.

88- The man pointed at them with his hands clasped together and wrapped in a gray cloth.

89- He said the situation pointed to “obvious dysfunction of the European asylum system”.

90- All evidence pointed to the same conclusion: he was a bad man but a very good wizard.

91- But Martin pointed out circumstances have changed since his time as finance minister.

92- At a Hezbollah position, fighters installed a 130 mm cannon pointed deeper into Syria.

93- Röttgen pointed in particular to potential synergies and savings in military spending.

94- Police say that Johnson pointed the gun at them before Hernandez shot him in the back.

95- I pointed out that he had never waged a losing campaign before then (and hasn’t since).

96- And the other one, that is Fontanelli, pointed a pellet gun to the head of the victim.”

97- Sud pointed to multiple Netflix series and cited the greater diversity you find online.

98- At least one wore a white robe and a pointed hat to resemble those worn by Ku Klux Klan.

99- He pointed out the UK defence budget at £34bn a year was the fifth biggest in the world.

100- 99910Bass pointed to the woman’s red head scarf, and the red blossoms in the background.

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