point in a sentence 4

Use ‘point’ in a sentence | ‘point’ example sentences

150- The point is that mother is not very hard on the child.

151- He was very ashamed of not being able to make his point.

152- The point at issue is not her ability but her character.

153- She was on the point of laughing at the clown’s actions.

154- Father makes a point of taking a hot bath before supper.

155- There’s no point in hiring a babysitter for the evening.

156- My father was on the point of going out when I came home.

157- She is open to people who have a different point of view.

158- The ship was on the point of arriving at her destination.

159- In point of fact, she had nothing to do with the scandal.

160- The police still can’t point out who committed the crime.

161- I make it a point to shine my shoes before I go to bed.

162- mcqHe makes it a point to remember each one of our birthdays.

163- If it’s money then I’m not lending any I said point blank.

164- He makes a point of doing ten pushups before going to bed.

165- His manner of speaking is direct to the point of rudeness.

166- I figure that there is no point in trying to persuade him.

167- Some Japanese are shy even to the point of appearing rude.

168- She makes a point of remembering each one of our birthdays.

169- She makes a point of drinking a glass of milk every morning.

170- We should consider the problem from a child’s point of view.

171- The point is that we don’t know what is happening around us.

172- She has bright red fingernails which she sharpens to a point.

173- It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view.

174- You should try to see things from the practical point of view.

175- I make a point of writing an answer as soon as I get a letter.

176- I’d like to point out some problems regarding your suggestion.

177- Nakagawa was on the point of going out when I called on him.

178- CPThe teacher drew a diagram on the board to underline her point.

179- The train was on the point of leaving when I got to the station.

180- Depending on which you think of as the main point, either is OK.

181- He makes a point of writing to his parents once every two months.

182- The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

183- EldadMy strong point is my philosophy nothing ventured nothing gained.

184- We have insufficient information to make a decision at this point.

185- From my point of view, it would be better to wait a little longer.

186- In point of fact it is difficult to foresee the destiny of people.

187- My grade point average isn’t high enough to get me into university.

188- In fencing, only the point of the foil can be used to score a point.

189- From the practical point of view, his plan is not easy to carry out.

190- The bank has hiked interest rates by almost a full percentage point.

191- There is no point in trying to introduce Japanese literature to him.

192- He’ll be out at lunch now, so there’s no point phoning straight away.

193- The doctor isn’t certain if it is necessary to operate at this point.

194- The financial aspect of the deal is a little uncertain at this point.

195- I was on the point of leaving home when a light rain started to fall.

196- He thought that there was no point in studying further in this field.

197- 6323 more results not shown. A 10 basis point change in actual shortage rates would have affected pre-tax earnings by approximately $1.0 million in fiscal 2015.

198- A 10-minute-long video, screened in a dark room behind an artificial wall, tracks a young city-dweller who, faced with the cold impersonality of urban sprawl, has reached a breaking point.

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