poignant in a sentence 2

Use ‘poignant’ in a sentence | ‘poignant’ example sentences

50- Can’t Help Myself is a moving and poignant portrait of an amazing community of big-hearted, love-seeking allies.

51- Celeste Ng is a powerful and poignant writer whose attention to detail is pitch-perfect.

52- Even though her dilemmas are real and poignant as anything I’ve seen in more ‘prestige’ shows.”

53- Every gorgeous page leads to another revelation, another poignant event or memory.

54- Experience another poignant turning point in American history as you immerse yourself in the world of Revolutionary America and learn how American independence was won at the Yorktown Battlefield.

55- Fiachra McGuinness, son of Martin McGuinness, posted a poignant tweet recently.

56- Filled with playful visual creativity, the film expertly uses the expressive potential of animation to say something poignant and meaningful.

57- For anyone who’s ever wanted to escape real life and live in a nostalgic dream come true, this poignant picture book captures the universal timelessness of treehouses and celebrates all the creativity and adventure they spark.

58- Gilmore Girls meets Wuthering Heights in Mary O’Connell’s Dear Reader, a whip-smart, poignant, modern-day take on Emily BrontA«a€™s classic novel.

59- Going through the commandments one by one, Hazony shows how each represents a poignant declaration about honesty, the self, life, love, freedom, community, and inner peace.

60- Great narration funny and very poignant!

61- He is just describing how a Jew in Isaiah’s day and context might view a certain prophecy that could have a more poignant and complete fulfillment later.

62- He juxtaposes dramatic battles, complete with limbs blown off and eyes dangling from sockets, with poignant scenes of wives and parents first learning of the deaths of their loved ones.”

63- “He passed away on the last day of filming, which was very poignant,” notes Bonneville.

64- Her description of everyday life under the revolution is intimate and poignant, and also tough- minded and shrewd.

65- Her honest and poignant appraisal of how modern medicine systematizes illness and suffering is a wake up call to rethink medical pedagogy and the concept of how we truly heal.

66- How strangely appropriate – and deeply poignant – that an event had been organized to honor the women of the Magdalen Laundry in Galway for Sunday afternoon.

67- I am so glad this story is finally being told, in all its fantastic, gory, poignant details.

68- I consider myself both lucky and privileged to have worked with Holly on the revision of her poignant and important novel in verse.

69- I found it particularly poignant given the talk today about income inequality.

70- I found Milla’s post (and its comments) very poignant.

71- I found the shows about Fifteen and his Italy trip (which I just stumbled upon one day) pretty poignant, actually.

72- If the new Republican administration’s plan to severely curtail reproductive rights scares you, Anu Valia’s poignant Shatterbox Anthology film “Lucia, Before and After” is the inspiration you need to get ready to fight back.

73- If you like your near-future dystopias compelling and poignant, with clear philosophical underpinnings which question the way we live now, then get ready to join the Suicide Club.

74- I’m in a band with Chuck D and Tom Morello right now, and both of those guys have a very poignant opinion on things.

75- In a poignant twist, the journey doesn’t immediately fulfill their baby wish, and they return home saddened but resilient.

76- In Harmony is a poignant tale of first love woven seamlessly with a powerful story of strength and hope.

77- In Kat Spears’s hilarious and often poignant debut, high school senior Jesse Alderman, or “Sway,” as he’s known, could sell hell to a bishop.

78- In nearly two decades as USF women’s basketball coach, Jose Fernandez mostly has excelled in bawl control, especially during poignant moments such as senior night.

79- In regards to his poignant speech at the close of his GRAMMY performance, Logic took a moment to reiterate his often-cited message of “peace, love and positivity,” as well as to explain how the speech came about, and the motivations behind his statement.

80- Interleaved are myths, as poignant as the protagonist’s tale.

81- In the book’s most poignant tale, ‘‘Discrepancy’’, a woman discovers an gradually lengthening time delay between when people speak to her, and when she hears their voice.

82- In the South Carolina Sea Islands lush setting, Nicole Seitz’s second novel is a poignant novel about two middle-aged sisters’ journey to self-discovery.

83- In the wake of the worst global recession in decades, the organizers of Davos have given a poignant title to this year’s annual meeting: “Improve the State of the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild.”

84- In this poignant graphic novel, Louis struggles to make sense of his father’s alcoholism and parents’ separation while secretly pining for a beautiful girl at school.

85- In this poignant, poetic, and often courageous collection of personal essays, Patrice examines the complexities of identity formation in a modern world where cultures intersect and overlap.

86- Intricate details of Gracie’s world emerge gradually through her sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant diary entries.

87- “Irene’s early changes are described with poignant accuracy, but it is Prate’s resilience, steadfast confidence in what he learns through experience and delightful capacity to surprise himself that is the soul of this story.

88- It is perhaps the most poignant moment in the book.

89- It is somewhat poignant that Brand made his first entry into public consciousness here with the Apollo moon landings.

90- It’s a poignant story about a town called Two Mills as seen through the eyes of the main character, Jeffrey Lionel “Maniac” Magee.

91- It’s a remarkable speech, made all the more poignant by its obvious sincerity.

92- It’s as poignant as it is perplexing and profound.”

93- It’s at times fun and funny, at other times heartrending and poignant.

94- It seems like a poignant read and I’m interested to know what the secret is.

95- It seems the perfect setting for this poignant story about love, family, friendship, forgiveness and redemption.

96- It’s topical, poignant, brutal, tragic and wry at the same time-and the tale thumps along with the rhythmic and stylistic soundtrack of a beating heart that seems to be shared by PI Roland Ford and Parker himself.

97- It’s very poignant and I’m really thrilled that the horse has won for all the kind people who went into her syndicate.”

98- Johnson’s magnificently poignant, funny, and wholly original debut goes beyond page-turner status.

99- Land Girls is the poignant, intelligent, and often heartbreaking account of their first summer together.”

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