poetry in a sentence 8

Use ‘poetry’ in a sentence | ‘poetry’ example sentences

345- Gilchrist’s cut paper, ephemera, paint, and processed photographs create collages, adding the right air of seriousness and history to the poetry.

346- Good poetry is damned hard to write.

347- Had my high school self heard this, the intimidation of analyzing poetry and classic literature would have diminished.

348- Happy poetry Friday!

349- Hay’s writing is poetry in itself – her descriptions of the veterans’ emotions as they try to re-enter society after what they experienced in the war are heartbreaking and brought me to tears.

350- Hearing is so integral to poetry that it is as unlikely for one born deaf to become a poet as for one born blind to become a painter.

351- “He combined politics and poetry,” says the filmmaker of his subject.

352- He had never read poetry like that, hadn’t known it existed: the verse written in an easy, fluid language, sometimes even slang, and often about everyday things.

353- He has served asan adjudicator for the Dan Sullivan Memorial poetry Contest in Durham, Ontario and Short Fiction forThe Newfoundland and Labrador Arts and Letters Awards.

354- He is a member of the poetry collective Echo Hotel.

355- He is a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the National Book Award, the Griffin poetry Prize, and the 2013 Bollingen Prize for American poetry.

356- He just sits on your lap and tells you what animal he is, and then you say the poetry piece about whatever animal he chooses to be.

357- He lectures widely in England and North America on Theology and Literature and has published poetry, theology, and literary criticism and has worked as a librettist.

358- Her awards and honors include the Lannan Award, the Pushcart Prize, the Griffin Trust Award for Excellence in poetry, and fellowships from the Guggenheim and MacArthur Foundations.

359- Here are eight notable books of poetry publishing in October.

360- Here are our top ten books for different age ranges – including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry – all published 2016-2017 and ideal for the season.

361- Her fiction has appeared in Highlights and her poetry has been featured in Ladybug and Hopscotch.

362- Her new collection, Jazz Funeral, is judge David Mason’s selection for the 2009 Donald Justice poetry Prize.

363- Her Nikki Giovanni poetry Collection, on which she reads and talks about her poetry, was one of five finalists for a Grammy Award.

364- Her poems have also appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Ms., The Nation,Best American poetry and have been featured on NPR’s Murray lives in Old Chatham, New York.

365- Her poetry draws deeply on Russian cultural and religious traditions.

366- Her poetry has appeared in Strange Horizons, Abyss & Apex, Gingerbread House Literary Magazine, Red Rose Review, Star*Line, Silver Blade, and elsewhere.

367- Her prose is a marvel of precision and grace and poetry as well, and above all, sensual.

368- Her second poetry collection, At Louche Ends: poetry for the Decadent, the Damned and the Absinthe-Minded was nominated for the 2011 Bram Stoker Award.

369- He’s pointing to experiences almost all of us have had, but might not consider religious – feelings stirred by falling in love, or being alone on the side of a great mountain, or the flash of insight arising from art or poetry or a song.

370- He thought that destroying was like fighting poetry with a battleship.

371- He took a poetry workshop taught by John Logan, and a little later worked with Paul Carroll, editor of Big Table Books.

372- He was also interested in haiku, the traditional Japanese poetry form.

373- Hi, my name is Adam and I have a book if poetry called ‘ Try This at Home’.

374- His “elegant prose and magical poetry” remain largely unknown outside Bengal.

375- 759 more results not shown.

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