pod in a sentence 5

Use ‘pod’ in a sentence | ‘pod’ example sentences

198- You should see a details panel that gives high-level information of the status of the pod, as well as an “Actions” dropdown, and a link to the logs.

199- You would just connect to whatever pod is running, because Kubernetes handles that.

200- After our impressive performance at the 2016 award ceremony we brought in Chris and Luke Mason, and Jonathan “Noj” Cumming onto The Bass pod show which runs every Friday on Cape Audio Radio.

201- A little later he spotted a pod of carp also cruising the shallows.

202- All technical equipment requires scheduled maintenance, and pod’s simple modular design allows you to replace worn out liners & straps, rebuild the hinge system and replace damaged impact guards.

203- Almost brand new Artemis SR1250S with bi-pod, silencer and scope for sale.

204- And the VFL Cartridge is a refillable pod cartridge with 0.8ml e-juice capacity.

205- An excited yell from one of the group turned everyone’s attention to the starboard side of the boat as a small family pod of three Humpbacked Whales announced themselves by simultaneously breeching.

206- As above with footage taken from a wide angle digital camera mounted on an extendable mono pod.

207- Azkar, the leading global logistics operator in Spain and Portugal, has opted for the ZetesChronos solution to manage its Proof of Delivery (pod) processes.

208- Bought by Bianca Christie of Vanilla pod fame, Dollie faces a bright and wonderful future, with tempting treats to add to delicious drinks on her horizon.

209- “Dream Weaver Deluxe pod Cover” has been added to your basket.

210- During the course of the afternoon, we also managed to get views of a single and a small pod of Indo-Pacific Bottle-nosed Dolphins, whilst a small group of birders watching the bow glimpsed an immature Black-browed Albatross off in the distance.

211- Father, John James or JJ, and sons, Matthew (baptised as Matthys Jacobus) and Richard John, were both peas from the same pod, entrepreneurs to the bone ever willing to take a gamble on a new business venture.

212- First, make pod parent recognize pollen of clivia ( self pollen).

213- Float North County is the only Float Spa in San Diego with a Spacious, Inviting and Clean Float rooms with the next generation flotation technology the float pod.

214- Float room This is the futuristic, state or the art Dream pod we will be installing in our Premier Floatation Rest Center Edmonton, Alberta.

215- Freshly cut rooibos Rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, manganese and others grinding away some of the seed pod.

216- Gamo IGT 5.5mm Air rifle, almost brand new with ammo, box, scope and bi pod.

217- Gilley is a Peace One Day (pod) founder and he aims to create a world-wide day of peace on 21 September where the world recognizes the day as an official day to ceasefire and non-violence.

218- Goods are deemed to have been returned to Healthmakers, to an address designated by Healthmakers, on pod (Proof of Delivery) by a signed delivery note/waybill or other document proving delivery.

219- “GXG 140 Round pod Clear” has been added to your cart.

220- “GXG 140 Round pod Smoke” has been added to your cart.

221- Here come the IPHA Swis pod Cartridge!

222- I found this pod beneath the pin oak trees – Is it a seed pod?

223- Includes 1 pod, does not include the Coil.

224- In this thread, please post as many photos of F1 crosses, where miniata was used as the pod parent and gardenii as the pollen parent.

225- It also not unusual to have a pod of Bottlenose Dolphins swimming past.

226- Items 1 – 24 of 116 Find single serve one cup coffee makers at BestBuy.com and shop Keurig – K-Elite Single Serve K-Cup pod Coffee Maker – Brushed Silver.

227- It is red and has a gnarled, lumpy pod with a tail like a scythe.

228- It is the pod parent only.

229- Just get them as spare parts for your Vaporesso Aurora Play pod Kit.

230- Line 6 pod Studio GX includes the pod Farm plug-in and Ableton Live Lite 8-track recording software, an ideal platform for guitarists.

231- Locally manufactured and designed, the Selfie pod is designed with branding and activations in mind!

232- Motocross riders the world over prefer the services of pod MX Knee Braces.

233- Multiply this answer by 10 to give you the number of pod bearing plants per 100 metres of planting row in a planted hectare area measuring 100 metres by 100 metres square.

234- My practice started at Hot pod Yoga in Pretoria, after 10 days I was hooked and in love.

235- One would think that a fish screaming upstream through the pod would scare the living daylights out of them.

236- Our portable and easy-to-use iPad based Photo-pod kiosk is custom-designed for seamless integration with your event theme and company image.

237- Painted & Gilt Decorated Music Stand, England Regency Painted & Gilt Decorated Music Stand, Classic design with lyre center, telescoping adjustable top, turned & banded column ending in a tri pod base and small ball feet.

238- Phono, tuner, cd, 2 aux & I-pod USB and Bluetooth audio streaming/4 LPCM Digital inputs / onboard AKM 32-bit/768kHz DAC/Separate pre/power designs in a single chassis/Programmable tone controls and tone Bypass.

239- Pilots can now choose from a wide range of pod options – the interchangeable pods allow a customised level of durability and warmth in the air, and easy replacement.

240- Please note cartridges need to be purchased separately and do not come with Q pod Kit.

241- pod 2 – What is risk management?

242- pod’s new patented and medically certified offer an affordable alternative to knee guards and are clinically proven to reduce the prevalence and severity of knee injuries.

243- Product IntroductionThe SMOK Novo pod is designed for Novo Kit.

244- Rod pod Gigantica 160cm The name says it all: We have forged our masterpiece.

245- “Seeing a traditionally-dressed Japanese girl armed with I-pod, mobile phone cum camera, with cigarette fluttering from her dainty fingertips, was quite bizarre!”

246- StoneLike Mill Stone pod Vase Round small ball shape vase perfect for.

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