pocket in a sentence 7

Use ‘pocket’ in a sentence | ‘pocket’ example sentences

296- For pocket users who organize saved content with tags, you can tag a post so you can find it quickly in your pocket account later.

297- For the pilot, the dancers in the Vegas number were all told to bring their own dance shoes, until Sherman-Palladino paid for some out of her own pocket.

298- Fortunately, she had her cell phone in her pocket and hit redial.

299- From that moment on, I vowed never to eat another Hot pocket again.

300- Front drawstring pouch and top zip pocket.

301- Fulwood was a strict on-the-one rhythm machine of a drummer, frequently powerful and prone to some heavy flourishes but otherwise rode right inside the pocket.

302- George finds the instruction manual to the 3-D Hypno-Ring in his shirt pocket, but he and Harold throw it away as they believe they do not need it anymore.

303- Get the rights back before they get tied up by others – yeah it’ll cost you some out of pocket money (or maybe just kissing goodbye money you are owed) but once you have control you’ll be in such better shape.

304- Gives your bed set a colour coordinated look together with HÖVÅG pocket sprung mattress.

305- Glue his bill to the bottom of the pocket – be sure not to glue the pocket closed.

306- Google Podcasts vs. pocket Casts: Which podcast app should you use?

307- Grand prize is a publishing contract with pocket Star.

308- Greeks also believe money attracts money, so superstition requires you to never completely empty a purse, pocket, wallet or bank account.

309- Grey melange crew neck sweater with zipped micro nabuk patch pocket on the chest and Maserati trident logo on the sleeve.

310- Hannah reached into her pocket and came out with a snipped-off lock of hair, and dropped it into the pool.

311- Has clippings in pocket as quote-unquote proof.”

312- Head to pocket’s new Explore Page and give it a spin for yourself.

313- He finally ran for president when it was much too late, but the old man in the white helmet with the cold clever boyish grin still found what he wanted whenever he reached into his pocket.

314- ‘He gave her a mock bow and pulled out a set of car keys from his pocket, ‘whatever you say, m’lady.’

315- ‘He opened his mouth while he pulled one of his hands free from its pocket, and flicked his eyes clean across my face.’

316- He paid the $1,781 filing fee out of his own pocket and had reported no fund-raising through last week.

317- He reached into his breast pocket again and withdrew a pair of reading glasses and a small black book.

318- Here is one I keep in my pocket

319- Here, Jones has a clean pocket on a three-man rush, but decides to step up toward a defender.

320- Here’s how it’s different: No more $10 monthly fee, and you won’t pay a single penny out of pocket to walk out the door with your new smartphone, not even sales tax.

321- Her popular and unique style is now available in your pocket, wherever you go.

322- He said that regulations cost two trillion dollars a year, or “approximately $15,000 per U.S. household annually,” as if the best way to understand regulation is that it is a cost coming out of each American’s pocket.

323- He’s got good pocket presence.

324- He smiled, put it in his pocket, and continued until hunger drove him in for lunch with Rachel.

325- He takes a moment, slips the fifty into his pocket.

326- He took a clean, white handkerchief out of his uniform pocket and handed it to me.

327- He was armed with a wallet, which an officer mistook for a gun when he pulled it out of his pocket.

328- High torque of 930 in-lbs. with a pocket size body that covers 80% of standard size impact driver applications.

329- His maroon and white-soled leather sneakers were bested by a pop of the same color in his suit pocket, following his own patterns of coordination.

330- Hit the cash machine on his way to get the third drink and took out fifty-no, a hundred; still had twenty in his pocket.

331- Holds monitors up to 42. Removable file pocket keeps paper and other necessary material handy.

332- Horror Writers Association, published by pocket Books.

333- However, Apple’s iTunes and Podcasts app still deliver about 65% of all podcast downloads, while most other Android and iOS player apps – like Stitcher, pocket Casts, Overcast and Google Play – make up the vast majority of the rest.

334- However, it will also come with higher deductibles and max out-of-pocket costs.

335- However, you will still get a notification or rumble if you approach a Pokestop or a Pokemon appears, so you can quickly pull the phone out of your pocket to interact!

336- How much money will you need to pay out of pocket if you do have addiction treatment coverage?

337- How often you see the doctor, whether you have ongoing prescription costs or frequently see specialists – all of these are factors in determining how much coverage you’ll need and how much you’ll pay out-of-pocket.

338- How would you like to use pocket Preferences to improve your users’ experience?

339- HTC’s stylus does not clip into a bay on the device, but does have a dedicated pocket in the case.

340- I can’t say too much about the radar, as such, except to point out that I don’t think it’ll be any worse than the cell-phone you already have in your pocket.

341- I continued to work my fingers deeper and deeper along the skin, until I had pretty much the whole skin loosened like a big pocket, but still attached to the bird.

342- I dream about darting through security in my socks, wheeling one spinner case right onto the plane with just a smartphone in my pocket.

343- If an egg floats, it has too big an air pocket inside the shell; the contents have evaporated too much, and the egg has likely spoiled.

344- I feel like he’s the type of person to be halfway through eating a hot pocket, announce loudly that it’s gross and he hates it, and then keep eating it.

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