plus in a sentence 6

Use ‘plus’ in a sentence | ‘plus’ example sentences

249- After interviewing National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, TheStreet’s founder and Action Alerts plus Portfolio Manager Jim Cramer said it’s going to be hard to be in a trade war with China, which has a president for life.

250- After just one use our skin felt super hydrated, appeared fresher and softer, and looked much more radiant than before, a huge plus after the toll winter took on our complexion.

251- After purchasing a STAT plus subscription (whether individual or group) you must provide a Valid Email Address to STAT.

252- After two-plus hours of basketball, it’s a game’s final two minutes or so that really determine a winner and loser.

253- After you binge watch all three seasons plus the follow-up movie, which is also fantastic.

254- After your first order, we’ll confirm the price of your subscription items plus any sales tax via email about 10 days before it’s scheduled to ship.

255- Again, I’d like to stress that although this might cost you a bit more in the interim, you’ll save loads in the future as you’ll never have to buy shampoo (or soap for that matter) again – plus it lasts a lot longer than shelf-bought goods.

256- Air rage is not something I have experienced, but on longer flights (5 hours plus) I do tend go a bit loopy from nicotine deprivation.

257- AKA my iPhone 7 plus bought last September is now eligible for AppleCare+ (again, technically :D).

258- A large point of the G6 plus is its affordability, which means you won’t find a top-end chipset under the hood.

259- A lens that is made for a film or full frame will have a crop factor of 1.5 added zoom, plus in doing so you only use 66% of the lens center which is where the best part of any lens is.

260- A light brick in the chest means the Arc Reactor actually shines out of this Mk44 Iron Man suit, plus it’s posable at the shoulders, elbows, waist and ankles.

261- A limited number of VIP tickets will be available, with early access to appetizers, artwork, and specialty cocktails, plus a special cooking demonstration and tasting.

262- A little about myself I am a twitch streamer i stream alot of Arena of Valor and since i started streaming it mt channel has grown a good some plus i’m also an illustrator too.

263- A little ingenuity and a great deal of flexibility means that over the years, our family of four (plus dog) has been completely satisfied with 1,500 square feet of living space.

264- All 167 rooms provide conveniences like sofa beds and sitting areas, plus free WiFi and LCD TVs with satellite channels.

265- All digital audiobooks are free for Bookshelf plus users on the day they release.

266- All in all, the Covergirl Peach Punch Highlighter Palette is a cute palette with plenty of pigment, a great soft, silky texture, plus it adds a pretty peachy glow to skin!

267- All money wagered, plus matching dollars from participating sponsors, will go to the wonderful charity to help buy books for underprivileged kids.

268- All of the Above, plus.

269- All of the above, plus an Intercept tote bag.

270- All of the above, plus your name (or secret code-name) is listed in the acknowledgments.

271- All of these creatures plus more disappeared just at the time when Homo erectus was developing its sophisticated stone tool technology and also experimenting with fire for the first time.

272- All of us were there, plus my son-in-law’s mother, who passed away a few weeks later.

273- All prices plus Tax, Title, Doc fee and reconditioning charges.

274- All that plus Peruvian Independence Day and big time futbol up at Hard Rock Stadium make up the best things going on in South Florida this weekend.

275- All that, plus the alternative “brown-nosing Striver who married the boss’ otherwise-unspousable daughter in hopes of inheriting the business he’s not qualified to run.”

276- All the amateur sports that came through here in the past three-plus decades, culminating with the beautifully-run 2012 Super Bowl.

277- All the claustrophobia of small town life is there, plus a healthy dose of Southern gothic.

278- All the day’s headlines plus Opinion editor James Freeman’s early take.

279- All the Office tools, plus email that’s as professional as you.

280- • All this plus, Riri finds out who else is running around as Iron Man… Riri Williams makes international headlines.

281- All those teenagers are new adults now and the plus one is a teenager.

282- All three of those sizes are impressive, but the iPhone X plus is particularly large, and since this latest image corroborates previous rumors, it’s looking quite likely that the X plus will be too large for tight jeans.

283- “All vegan, plus nice, strong drinks.

284- Ally makes it easy to deposit, withdraw and manage your Online Savings Account, plus any other Ally accounts you might have.

285- All you really need to know is which Pokémon Go accessory is right for you: Would you rather have Pokémon Go baked in to your Apple Watch, or is it easier to conceal your gaming with the Pokemon Go plus?

286- A long-chinned man with an armful of trophies completed the plus sign.

287- Along with featuring models of various races and ethnicities, Chromat designer Becca McCharen-Tran also had several plus-size models walk the show.

288- A lot of websites offer a free plus score when you sign up for their credit monitoring program.

289- Alpinestars foot counter features multi-compound construction ergonomic polypropylene heel counter, which provides support, protection and stability plus an integrated PU fireproof heel for comfort.

290- Also, 1200 mg of garlic powder plus 3 grams of daily for 4 weeks, or 500 mg of garlic oil plus 600 mg of fish oil daily for 60 days, has been used.

291- Also available on the iPhone 6S and 6S plus via 3D Touch, but so much better on iPad and best on iPad Pro.

292- Also, be sure to check out our for RSA Conference 2018 coverage, including every video, plus stories and blogs.

293- Also included is a map of the whole Singapore Island clearly showing railway connections, plus an enlargement of the Sentosa Island at 1:22,500.

294- Also included is an enlargement of Île de Djerba with a street plan of Houmt Souk, plus street plans of Hammamet, Port El Kantaoui, Monastir with the Skanès-Monastir holiday resort, and Sousse with an enlargement for its Medina.

295- Also like iPhone 7 plus, the telephoto lens does not.

296- Also, my food processor is too small (4 c) for doughs, so I mixed this one with a pastry cutter plus fingers, and it worked quite well.

297- Also, on the plus side, we have to mention that users can charge the watch without removing the strap, and it’s now possible to lock the screen behind a PIN.

298- Also used 2 tablespoons of canola oil instead of a whole stick of butter-it seemed healthier, plus being somewhat lazy I didn’t have to bother with melting the butter.

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