plural in a sentence 2

Use ‘plural’ in a sentence | ‘plural’ example sentences

51- Besides, when forming the plural some nouns alter additionally.

52- In Polish pierogi is actually the plural, pieróg being singular.

53- The process for entering a plural marriage is slightly different.

54- However, a living being as the sentence’s subject may be in the plural.

55- For 5 SIT or more, the word tolarjev, genitive plural of tolar, is used.

56- A volshebnaya skazka (plural volshebniyi skazki) is considered a “magical tale.

57- plural of nouns If a noun is definite, it is pluralized by adding yo at the end.

58- A Turkish name consists of an ad (given name; plural adlar) and a soyadı (surname).

59- In comparison, first-person plural pronouns (we, us, our) make up 1% of spoken words.

60- Mimation is absent in singular nouns, but is often retained in the plural, as in Hebrew.

61- The plural prefix for isi- nouns, however, is izi-, and Zulu z is a depressor consonant.

62- M ; Madero : Spain, slang, derogatory for police officers (plural: los maderos, la madera).

63- Vickrey’s point about eotenum refers to line 1145, where the dative plural eotenum is used.

64- The verb voir (to see) changes from vois in the first person singular to voyons in the plural.

65- The new coins were initially marked with the wording NEW PENNY (singular) or NEW PENCE (plural).

66- The regular feminine plural is formed by adding -ātu in the definite and -ātun in the indefinite.

67- Before surrendering, the South was divided into forty-four provinces (tỉnh, singular and plural).

68- Dres (plural dresy or dresiarze) is a term used in Poland to describe a subculture of young males.

69- The rupia (plural: rupie, Somali : روپيا) was the currency in Italian Somaliland from 1909 to 1925.

70- The plural second-person pronoun and verb forms are used referring to a single person out of respect.

71- For a number of nouns of Latin origin, the Latin plural may be used (museum → musea, politicus → politici).

72- Male and female nouns have a singular, dual and plural; while neuter nouns only have singular and plural number.

73- Many Mormons, including prominent church leaders, maintained existing plural marriages well into the 20th century.

74- Influences from Ireland include the pronunciation of the letter ‘h’ as ‘haitch’ and the plural of ‘you’ as ‘youse’.

75- Number marking In Sinhala animate nouns, the plural is marked with -o(ː), a long consonant plus -u, or with -la(ː).

76- General ending for words following the nouns are in feminine “-ar”, masculine “-en”, neuter “-e” or “-t”, and plural “-er”.

77- However, in modern Uyghur siz has become restricted to the formal singular, requiring the plural suffix -lär for the plurals.

78- A quorum (plural quora) is the minimum number of members of a deliberative body necessary to conduct the business of that group.

79- The Jamia also has made arrangements to produce `huffaz’ (plural of hafiz), persons who memories the full text of the Holy Quran.

80- Order of noun suffixes Where more than one type of noun suffix occurs, the plural suffix is first (normally -k but -i with possessives).

81- “Nek” was the plural of “Ne”, thus the word could have been “Tekenek” or simply “The Woods”.

82- Zaleski may refer to: People Zaleski (feminine Zaleska, plural Zalescy) is a Polish surname.

83- Vi is the generic second person for both singular and plural, just like you in modern English.

84- ” They decline like normal 1st and 2nd declension adjectives, and are logically always plural.

85- Young practiced plural marriage and was married to two wives and was the father of 13 children.

86- Singular and plural are marked on the verb and sometimes on the adjective, but not on the noun.

87- Pronouns Guaraní distinguishes between inclusive and exclusive pronouns of the first person plural.

88- The plural form of words which end in ־וּת was in the past written with a Kubutz in texts with niqqud: sg.

89- These differ from each other in all forms but the infinitive and the third person plural of the imperative.

90- These pronouns may have singular or plural referents; the difference in number is indicated in the verb stem.

91- The plural number is shown only by the me- prefix to the verb (wo- is used in some versions of the language).

92- The somalo (plural: somali, صومالي) was the currency of the Trust Territory of Somalia between 1950 and 1962.

93- The plural of masculine nouns is a little more complicated to form and depends on the last sound of the singular.

94- Usage The “singular” they is the use of this pronoun as a gender-neutral singular rather than as a plural pronoun.

95- The nares of some birds are covered by an operculum (plural opercula), a membraneous, horny or cartilaginous flap.

96- In Greek grammar, it is also called the alpha declension, since its forms have the letter α, at least in the plural.

97- These are known as “strong plural” endings, which means the plural is identical in all cases in the standard language.

98- Capoeira In some capoeira schools, students perform maculelê using a pair of machetes (facão in Portuguese; plural: facões).

99- Naming The modern word “Hebrew” is derived from the word “ʕibri” (plural “ʕibrim”) one of several names for the Jewish people.

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