plunger in a sentence

Use ‘plunger’ in a sentence | ‘plunger’ example sentences

1- The mine is unusual in that it has two plunger fuses instead of a pressure plate.

2- Herr Flick is not entirely convinced – not even when the colonel finds proof in the shape of the plunger a few feet away.

3- King is a wonderful line plunger and on nearly all of his runs carries from three to five men along with him for several yards.

4- plunger pumps are used in applications that could range from 70 to 2070 bars.

5- In 2007, Leary received a patent for her “portable device for cleaning an animal’s paw” product, Pet plunger.

6- The pump designed for engines up to 8 cyl including 6 cyl engines with unequal firing intervals contains one plunger driven by a face cam.

7- plunger rear suspension was offered later, with a swingarm rear suspension frame available from 1954.

8- A hydraulic jack uses a fluid, which is incompressible, that is forced into a cylinder by a pump plunger.

9- This can be done by retracting the needle back into the syringe or rendering the syringe plunger inoperable.

10- For a combination of straight mute sound with the readily manipulated plunger, Pixie mutes are used.

11- The nib is immersed in ink, the plunger is pushed in, compressing and then releasing the ink sac by means of air pressure.

12- The knife, positioned just ahead of the plunger, cuts off the material at the spot where it enters the chamber from the pickup.

13- Design description A Flit gun consists of a pneumatic tube with a hand-operated plunger to force air through an air nozzle in the front.

14- The rope attached to one of the plunger harpoons fired from the cannon gets looped around her ankle and she becomes lashed to the side of the shark in Ahab-fashion.

15- The pump handle acts as a heavy counterweight against both the sucker rod weight and the weight of the water column standing on the upper plunger up to ground level.

16- Among the lessons in class are assembling the atomizer and depressing the plunger with enough force to create a mist, with the goal of spraying half a dose up each nostril. A French press involves letting the grinds steep in water for a few minutes before pushing down the plunger.

17- After the steeping time is done, press down the plunger on the pot, thus squeezing all of the essential oils, tannins, and flavors from the tea ingredients into the tea.

18- After you are done plunging your toilet the plunger will rest in the white holder that folds around the soiled plunger part, keeping it away from touching anything in your bathroom and eyes from seeing the unsightly parts.

19- A product post featuring a recessed niche for storing the dreaded toilet brush/plunger combo.

20- Blend on medium speed, using the plunger to evenly redistribute the mixture until you achieve a curd-like consistency.

21- I got one a couple months ago and when you apply voltage it activates fine, but sometimes when you take it away the plunger will stay forward.

22- One of the Daleks has a cutting tool instead of a plunger.

23- Place the needle in the center of a cupcake and push the plunger as you gently pull the needle up and out of the cupcake.

24- Pumping the plunger forces water down into the pipe, then sucks it back up, forcing the clog up and down along with the drain water, ultimately breaking up and loosening the clog.

25- Sometimes, Julie let him push the plunger on the syringe so he felt like he had control.

26- They are the plunger fill valve and diaphragm type fill valve ballcocks.

27- This is a reference to Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilets where the Incredible Robo plunger took all the evidence regarding the talking toilets to Uranus and was told to remain there.

28- Turn the vial and syringe upside down and slowly pull the plunger down until the tip is a few units past the line for your prescribed dose.

29- With a long aluminum handle to provide plenty of leverage and help keep your hands away from water and debris, the plunger uses a graduated suction cup to fit a range of toilet drain openings.

30- Ahmedabad, India More Being a reliable manufacturer, exporter and supplier in the domain, we are engrossed in offering a broad range of Triplex plunger Pumps to our clients.

31- All cutlery, crockery, cooking utensils and pots are provided, a coffee plunger and tea pot.

32- “Another essential advantage of the VAG plunger valve is its piston guiding, which is made of welded bronze for added strength.

33- API 674 PISTON & plunger PUMPSBuilt for heavy duty applications in the oilfields, including our API674 version pump, for drilling and exploration.

34- A plunger cylinder can only be used as a pushing cylinder; the maximum force is piston rod area multiplied by pressure.

35- Available in belt driven or direct drive configurations GBT thickener feed Lime sludge Lime slurry Mobile dewatering Primary sludge Primary Treatment Rotary press feed HPE amp; EHPE Series plunger pump factory and team members Ridgewood, NJ 1928.

36- A wide variety of hydraulic ram cylinders options are available to you, such as plunger cylinder, flexible cylinder, and series cylinder.

37- A wide variety of spm plunger pump options are available to you, such as oil, water.

38- BW90 3 triplex plunger pump and mud pumps for drilling rigs · 10 3500L Factory supply in a timely rotary sand screening machine ·

39- Centrifugal Pumps Pumps Pumps offers a line of centrifugal pumps that complements our piston and plunger pump product line.

40- Cheap A10VSO71 cast iron triplex plunger mission mud pump.

41- Cheap valve, Buy Quality micro valve directly from China valve rubber Suppliers: QLH51 Micro plunger Point Rubber Valve X 3PCS Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide!

42- Cherry Electric E20 Panel plunger Snap Action 20A Micro Switch,20A,125 or 250VAC.

43- Chevron stack seal/Chevron Set/ plunger Packing APV spare parts.

44- Compression Testing Machine, hand operated, 2000 KN (200 tonne), 2 or 4 Pillar model, with separate pumping unit connected by a copper/rubber hose pipe, double plunger with pressure gauge 02000 KN capacity.

45- Eagle Pressure Systems is a leading manufacturer and supplier of ” High Pressure Reciprocating plunger Pump “with complete systems with Pressure UP to 750 bar and 50 LPM flow rate for many different applications in various industries.

46- Established in 1992, we are reputed manufacturer, supplier, exporter, wholesaler, dealer, distributor & trader of Triplex plunger Pumps, and other type of pumps from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

47- For example, a Union TX 200 is a “single acting triplex plunger pump”, a Gaso 1849 is a “double acting duplex plunger pump”, and an Oilwell B 558 is a “single acting quintuplex plunger pump”.

48- Full listing of plunger pt22 manufacturer & suppliers online.

49- GGM50/80PLD E Double plunger hydraulic Grout Pump GGM50/80PLD E Double plunger hydraulic Grout Pump is designed with two low wear plungers pump.

50- High Capacity 12v 300 psi water pump,micro high pressure water pump 300 Horse power plunger pumps pressure washer 200TJ3.

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