plunged in a sentence

Use ‘plunged’ in a sentence | ‘plunged’ example sentences

1- The 12in knife blade which was plunged into his buttock entered his abdominal cavity .

2- We plunged into the river.

3- A young boy plunged into the lake from the cliffs.

4- The car ran off the bridge, and plunged into the ocean.

5- The rollercoaster plunged downwards at a dizzying speed.

6- The Taiwanese stock market plunged 5% in early Monday trading.

7- Economic growth in South Korea plunged by 6.

8- 6% in 1998.

9- He’d had no experience of teaching, but he plunged in nonetheless.

10- The assassination of the President plunged the country into civil war.

11- The swimmers leapt off the cliff, and plunged 15 feet into the lake below.

12- The young child plunged his hand into the water, and pulled out a starfish.

13- The plane exploded and plunged into the ocean, killing all the people on board.

14- The sky-diver got the lines of his parachute all tangled, and plunged to his death.

15- In 1982, Princess Grace of Monaco was killed when her car plunged off a mountain road.

16- The surfers gazed at the huge waves, and then plunged into the water with whoops of excitement.

17- A cable snapped, and the elevator plunged down the shaft, killing three people who were trapped inside.

18- After the death of their Tsar in 927, the Kingdom of Bulgaria plunged into a deep social and political crisis.

19- In 1994, a comet broke apart, and plunged into Jupiter, ripping holes the size of earth in the planet’s atmosphere.

20- When relationships break down through death, separation, or divorce, many women suddenly find themselves plunged into poverty.

21- She pulled him back from the brink of the canyon, just before the rock he was standing on gave way and plunged down the cliff side.

22- In January of 1995, a 9-year-old girl escaped from a plane crash when she was thrown clear of the jet as it plunged into a lake in Colombia.

23- All 51 other passengers died.

24- 830468They have plunged 55.63 percent since the beginning of the year.

25- The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 350 points, or 1.95% to 17596.

26- Since then, the currency has plunged to levels not seen in over a decade.

27- Natural gas companies Chesapeake and Southwestern Energy plunged 9% and 14%.

28- 506158New orders plunged 15.3 points to 44.1, the lowest reading since March.

29- On an annual basis, the outlook plunged 15 percentage points, the survey showed.

30- The Euro Stoxx 50, which tracks large-cap companies in the eurozone plunged 3.2%.

31- March ULSD plunged more than 18 cents, sharply reducing its premium to April ULSD.

32- The agency was curious what would happen to dogs plunged into the vacuum of space.

33- After that, use of the drugs plunged by more than 50 percent between 2008 and 2012.

34- 626259Since then, the value of the Brazilian currency has plunged about 70 percent.

35- Abe’s approval rating has plunged below 40%, the lowest since he was elected in 2012.

36- The unemployment rate has plunged to 5.6 percent from 6.7 percent over the past year.

37- Indonesia’s exports plunged 12.8 percent in June, while imports tumbled 17.42 percent.

38- In Grand Island, Nebraska, the temperature plunged to -14 C by mid-afternoon on Sunday.

39- At the same time, investments in oil and gas exploration drilling plunged 48.7 percent.

40- Jessica Ripley, 16, is thought to have plunged from the first-floor window early today.

41- 704621The currency plunged 1.3% to 65.7 rubles per dollar in the early hours of Monday.

42- Natural gas companies Chesapeake (CHK) and Southwestern Energy (SWN) plunged 9% and 14%.

43- The Shanghai Composite plunged 12 percent this month, adding to July’s 14 percent tumble.

44- Cherokee’s shares plunged more than 33 percent to $16.03 in extended trading on Thursday.

45- Notwithstanding the aforementioned measures, the stock markets again plunged in early July.

46- On Friday, following the e.coli outbreak reports, Chipotle shares plunged, closing at $6.11.

47- Net income plunged 86% from a year earlier to $1.6 million, equivalent to one cent per share.

48- In 2013, a bus struck a pole on the side of a road in Nepal and plunged 700 feet down a slope.

49- The Australian dollar plunged to 76.59 US cents, from around 78 cents before the announcement.

50- Nancy purposefully plunged into the throng, leaving Charlie to search for her along the route.

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