plunge in a sentence 3

Use ‘plunge’ in a sentence | ‘plunge’ example sentences

100- Not so long ago, I took the plunge and deleted my Facebook accounts, both personal and business profiles.

101- Now that T-Mobile has taken the plunge, others might follow suite with their own large-scale 5G deals.

102- On gas, it’s somewhere in the middle of the crazy-wide range (nobody knows WTF will happen with gas), with both a notable rise through 2040 and a notable plunge thereafter.

103- Options traders agreed, splitting their attention on AAPL stock amid yesterday’s broad market plunge.

104- Or cool down in one of the suite’s refreshing plunge pools–no excuse needed.

105- plunge into an ice bath to stop cooking.

106- plunge into ice water, skin peels right off.

107- plunge into this wealthy and eccentric masterpiece and dissolve yourself for delicious eternities in mythic Memphis.

108- Polar bear plunge “dips” are traditionally held on New Year’s Day, as a bold and freezing way of splashing in a new year.

109- “Property prices are low (around Rs 3,000 per square foot) so it is the good time to take a plunge,” says A Shankar, COO for strategic consulting at realty advisory JLL India.

110- Rather than plunge you into a strange environment, wants to make no more than a whisper.

111- Read: this is an opportune time to actually take the plunge for your wedding paper goods.

112- Remove with a sieve and immediately plunge in ice water (or several changes of cold water) to stop the coooking process.

113- She’d always loved writing and had talked about pursuing publication, but never seemed to get to that point where she was ready to take the plunge.

114- Some are taking this as a sign NAND flash is doing a lot better than feared amidst constant worries of a plunge in prices.

115- Spacious guest suites are elegantly furnished with carved wooden furniture, earthy orange and red color schemes, and private terraces with plunge pools.

116- STON now yields more than 14% – but it seems just as unsustainable as the ~10% yield did before October’s plunge.

117- Take the plunge with these 13 short stories.

118- The ABCs can be a useful rubric for condo buyers who want to be sure of their purchase before taking the plunge.

119- The bond market there had recently been rattled by a plunge in the price of Extell bonds over fears the New York luxury condo market was becoming oversupplied.

120- The Hundred-Year House is a puzzle, a plunge into a world of fascinating characters, and an examination of human relationships.

121- Then you can plunge into the meat dishes!

122- The plunge didn’t happen all at once.

123- There are tales of a mystical Joro-Gumo from the Izu peninsula that depict her as the beautiful mistress of a waterfall who tries to ensnare a man in her webs and plunge him to his death.

124- There’s actually still time for folks to sign up if they want to take the plunge.

125- The world’s number one PC maker saw profits plunge 51 percent year-over-year to $105 million in the first fiscal quarter, a fall it attributes to “severe challenges” in key markets such as China and Brazil.

126- This can make your vocal energy plunge.

127- This morning we’ll witness the roaring, thundering, crashing, splashing display of nature’s awesome power in Trümmelbach Falls – a series of subterranean waterfalls that plunge hundreds of feet into darkness behind the valley’s cliffs.

128- To flush out the dirt between the leaves, plunge artichokes upside down, stem up, into in cold water.

129- To serve, plunge the terrine in a bowl of boiling water to loosen it then turn out on to a serving platter.

130- Using its seven and an half foot wingspan and its huge webbed feet to advantage, the pelican is airborne almost immediately, where it will search for its food, and then plunge into the sea to scoop it into the huge pouch beneath its bill.

131- Venezuela’s GDP is expected to plunge by a jaw-dropping 8 percent this year, and inflation is an even more gut-churning 720 percent, to the International Monetary Fund.

132- “We’ve been running massive trade deficits, driven mainly by manufacturing, and we’ve seen a precipitous plunge in the number of manufacturing jobs.

133- When the guy turns out to be “churchy” Ben-definitely not Becca’s type-she gamely embarks on a hilarious series of dates that plunge her purple-haired, free-speaking, commitment-phobic self into the alien world of church potlucks and prayer meetings.

134- When you finally do take the plunge, you immediately find yourself in a honeymoon period where your new partner can do no wrong.

135- Whether you’re ready to take the marital plunge, walk down memory aisle, or just pique your curiosity, is a fun celebration of romance-Vegas style.

136- “With retailers suddenly dropping the price of Surface RT dramatically over the weekend, some are wondering if this is the time to take the plunge.

137- “With the amount and quality of information now available to the buyers, they are becoming more willing to take the plunge in lesser-known geographies,” says Ashutosh Limaye, national director of research at realty consultancy JLL India.

138- Worse yet, that 20% plunge has happened in just a few days.

139- Yvonne decided to take the plunge: “I knew this was the software I needed to reach my dream of owning and running a six-figure bed-and breakfast with just four rooms,” she says.

140- Accommodation is also available for 24 guests sharing luxury chalets, each equipped with private plunge pools and outdoor showers.

141- A couple of people did take the plunge (excuse the pun) and what they experienced was the most enviable encounter.

142- A few crofts boast private plunge pools.

143- Air conditioned and with uninterrupted sea views, terrace with solar heated plunge pool.

144- All accommodation is air conditioned with private plunge pools/ jacuzzi decks.

145- All the villas have its private plunge pool and are in the bush.

146- And then she took the plunge – she started her own theatre in Rosebank, Johannesburg.

147- A thrilling epoch in the exploration of our solar system came to a close last month as NASA’s Cassini spacecraft made a fatal plunge into the atmosphere of Saturn, ending its 13-year tour of the ringed planet.

148- Augrabies is perhaps best known for the mighty Augrabies Falls which plunge 90 metres into a rock pool stretching into a granite ravine of around 18 km long.

149- A wide variety of machines are used for grinding:OD grinding, inside diameter ID grinding, plunge grinding, creep feed grinding, and centerless grinding.

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