plunder in a sentence 2

Use ‘plunder’ in a sentence | ‘plunder’ example sentences

50- The new President committed to ensuring ethical behaviour and leadership, and to a refusal to tolerate the plunder of resources by public employees or theft and exploitation by private businesses.

51- Then he can plunder his house.

52- The only solution is to acknowledge that there isn’t one waiting out there for someone to pluck, plunder and pretend is a solution.

53- The pirate having now complete possession of the vessel, the work of plunder began.

54- This foreign exchange went towards a debt payment, so this was a double plunder by imperialism.

55- This is a direct consequence of imperialism capitalism still maintaining SA and the rest of Africa as a place for plunder of raw, unprocessed raw materials and agricultural goods.

56- What is more important is that the Charter failed, and still fails, to clearly articulate the true nature of the South African problem, which is colonial conquest, translated later into racial capitalism, and now multi-racial elite pacting and plunder.

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