plugging in a sentence

Use ‘plugging’ in a sentence | ‘plugging’ example sentences

1- “We are actually plugging into an existing culture of micro-enterprise in Cuba.

2- I just have to keep plugging away and trying to be better and better each match.

3- 920463We were 2-5 earlier in the year and everyone wrote us off, but we just kept plugging.”

4- You use it by plugging it into any HDMI-ready device, which can be a phone, a tablet or a laptop.

5- “Coping; plugging In to Midlife Powers; Action, Not Reaction, Is the Secret”, The Washington Post”, Jul 12, 1993; B.05.

6- plugging this into the first result: : This is the relativistic four-force, which is invariant under Lorentz transformation.

7- The beeping can only be disabled by putting the phone in silent mode, vibrate, switching it off, or plugging it in for battery recharging.

8- The nephews try to save Donald by plugging the geyser.

9- Typical insertion repeatability, the difference in insertion loss between one plugging and another, is 0.2 dB.

10- After uninstalling them and simply plugging in the dongle my playback devices showed up differently and worked perfectly.

11- AKG includes a 3.5mm-to-6.35mm adapter in the box for plugging the headphones into an amplifier.

12- A lot of them are rechargeable, so most of the time they don’t require batteries or wires for plugging them in.

13- And with USB-C, things will get even simpler, because you’ll never again have to curse out loud after plugging it in the wrong way.

14- Any chance you could add data lines to the USB port and hook them up to the console so that plugging this into a computer charges the battery and gives you a serial console into the Edison?

15- A-Ok Starter Plugs are for starting seeds and rooting cuttings prior to plugging into larger Gro-Blocks.

16- As a proud Mexican, I’m very happy to see you plugging them!

17- As much as I get frustrated with using Divi and WordPress at times, you help to keep me to keep plugging away, burning the midnight oil and finding solutions!

18- As she plays Ellie, it’s likely she isn’t simply plugging in some gaps needed to help finish the game but working on core sections Naughty Dog still need to finish.

19- At some point, it must have occurred to that songs about glue and sedation and roofies weren’t going to rock the charts, but they kept plugging away, hoping that radio would meet the Ramones halfway.

20- College students: keep plugging away with your term projects and reports.

21- Easily display images, watch videos or make PowerPoint, Word or Excel presentations from this projector by simply plugging in a USB memory storage device.

22- Even plugging c into the equations you end up with the dreaded 1/0 which is undefined.

23- He could recharge these batteries by plugging his chest plate into any electrical source.

24- Hi Adam, I am an IT consultant and want to install ERP SAP (training system) in P50 and use it without plugging in power for 4 to 5 hours a day.

25- However, security researchers discovered that it is possible to bypass this security feature by plugging in an “untrusted USB accessory” — and Apple sells such a device for just $39.

26- I do wonder why it makes a difference if the ATM is running Windows XP or 7 when the attacker is plugging in their own software.

27- If you must use 2.4 GHz wireless, avoid plugging in USB peripherals to your Xbox One and your Windows 10 PC as much as possible.

28- It’s called getting those volatile amazon sales ranks low enough that amazon itself starts plugging for your book.

29- Jonathan Franzen found the Internet such a threat that by plugging an Ethernet cable into his computer with super glue.

30- Keep plugging at it though.

31- Keyboards are usually plug-and-play devices, with no additional software to install (with the exception of driver packages for some gaming models), meaning that plugging in the keyboard is all the setup you’ll need.

32- Montgomery, who represents Southwest flight attendants, said the carrier has a process in place to report high cabin temperatures, but flight crews still sometimes resort to wearing cooling scarves or plugging portable fans into their smartphones.

33- Nope, we don’t have any access to your blog ever, even when plugging.

34- Owners have the option of watching video by transferring to the accompanying smartphone app over Wi-Fi, copying files straight off the card or by plugging it to a TV or monitor and viewing clips via HDMI.

35- plugging into the grid would violate their religious practice, but using the sun to power some devices for some purposes is acceptable.

36- “plugging” or purging disorder Bariatric surgery makes your stomach smaller, about the size of an egg (vs. the size of a fist).

37- plugging the headset into my iPhone 6S+ with the included 3.5mm jack was super easy.

38- She added: “Lasers and lights, on the other hand, are not generally used for acne since they cannot fix the root cause — inflammation, plugging, and bacterial growth.”

39- So “plugging the silo” would mean giving up pretense that the more foolish voices had anything worth hearing.

40- The controllers may also need firmware updates, so it’s worth plugging them into your PC when you get a chance.

41- ‘They want you to spend hours plugging the machines with tokens.’

42- This is just plugging a hole before it becomes a bigger problem,” Dillon said.

43- Upon receiving, I tried plugging the usb charger cord into the speaker, however it didn’t go all the way into the speaker.

44- When using extension cords, make sure to unwrap them before plugging them in.

45- You can see a quick example of how to make use of this in a simple pitch detector I threw together – try plugging in a guitar, or even just whistling into the microphone.

46- You probably don’t think much of plugging in your smartphone every time you get into your car, and unplugging it every…

47- Additional flexibility of PaneLite™ screen panels can further reduce plugging or pegging.

48- A gradual hairline with no wigy look can be achieved by customizing and plugging your wig’s edges to make it look more natural and with baby hair if you want some.

49- And it’s reversible, so you never have to worry about
plugging in upside down.

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