plugged in a sentence 2

Use ‘plugged’ in a sentence | ‘plugged’ example sentences

50- All of these machine learning models, plugged into one another, allow a virtual agent to perceive a game world and play within it properly.

51- All you have to do is observe young people walking down the street with earbuds plugged in and eyes fixed on their phones to appreciate how easily such distractions could lead to tragedy.

52- A new ultra efficient mode that makes your plugged-in laptop run much quieter while gaming.

53- An exception is sometimes made for Ed, whose teaching and volunteer efforts require staying plugged into e-mail.

54- An overweight businessman, his ears plugged with earbuds, brushed past me, jostling me with his briefcase.

55- “Anyone can buy a robot, but if it’s not plugged into a system, it doesn’t do anything, it means nothing,” Bonds said.

56- Are you In the know, on the pulse and plugged in?

57- As an extra precaution, I had plugged each UPS into a quality surge protector.

58- As a plugged-in wellness connoisseur, you might have heard of Natural Products Expo West, the healthy food world’s biggest annual meeting of the minds (or, brands).

59- As more devices are developed and “plugged in,” the backbone of the internet will need reinforcement to bear the burden, and that’s exactly what Project Natick could create.

60- As the majority of headphones sold will be plugged into a smartphone or tablet at some point in their life, it stands to reason that both parties would embrace the ageing technology for maximum compatibility.

61- As with previous generations of hardware, the new dual-controller flash arrays can be plugged into any existing Scale Computing HC3 cluster.

62- At first this sounds amazing, but then why would you want to game with an iPad plugged into a TV?

63- Basically, you can keep it plugged into your iPhone all the time, and you’ll barely even notice it.

64- Before I knew it my oldest had it plugged it into our Wii, and in under ten seconds was merrily using it to type back and forth with friends in Animal Crossing.

65- Besides the requisite Wi-Fi and USB Type-C 3.1, USB 3.0, HDMI, and a 4-in-1 card reader ports, there’s also Rapid Charge- a Lenovo designed extra where 15 minutes plugged in will give you up to 2 hours of use on every system.

66- Booting with your device plugged in and turned on can cause problems with the new driver stack.

67- But for the price, I’d like to see another USB-C port, so you can charge the battery while a USB-C device is plugged into it overnight.

68- But really, since plugged into usb, could pretend to be a keyboard or other device type and do who knows what.

69- By coupling highly-rated drug, alcohol or behavioral addiction treatments with the freedom of occasional computer and mobile access, a businessperson can receive assistance while keeping relatively “plugged in”.

70- Colier describes the need to stay “plugged in” as creating the expectation that everyone must be available and at each other’s disposal always.

71- Devices connected to header cables don’t work-If ports connected to the header are not plugged into the motherboard, are damaged, or are disabled in the system BIOS configuration (CMOS setup), any devices connected to these ports will not work.

72- Does leaving the speakers plugged in to the mains effect the life span of the batteries?

73- Even with them in stock configuration I don’t recommend having a power source on VCC with the USB plugged in. Having 2 power sources on a board is never a good idea.

74- For ducts that have already become plugged, let the baby suckle from that side to stimulate milk flow.

75- For laptops, make sure the battery is securely in place and that the Charging led lights up when the charger is plugged in.

76- He does it simply because it feels natural to him, but he’s aware that many onlookers not plugged into the subtleties of his songwriting can misinterpret such flamboyance.

77- He plugged a mic into the receiver with a cable long enough to move around.

78- However, if your PC specs say that you do (or you’ve just plugged in an external device), then it is likely that the software drivers are not installed.

79- I chose Wink Hub 2 and followed the onscreen instructions to connect the hub to my router using the included Ethernet cable and plugged in the power adapter.

80- If can’t (still) detect your printer, and you’re sure that it’s powered up and plugged via USB, make sure you have your receipt with you and contact HP.

81- I finally worked up the courage to call over the office manager, only to find out that the darn thing wasn’t even plugged in. I mean, come on!

82- If plugged milk ducts are not properly tended to, they can become quite uncomfortable and sometimes lead to mastitis.

83- If you’re looking for some portable tech to keep you charged up and plugged in while you’re on the go, we’ve rounded up our favorite must-have tech gadgets currently available.

84- I get good battery life out of my phone unless I’m on the road with the gps and the screen on for Waze or Google Maps, and if I’m doing that, it’s plugged in. No phone will stand 2-5 hours of gps and make it all day.

85- I have been following SRB’s blog and nodded absently when she plugged ICE, but then sat up with a start when I realized she was talking about the new fave author at my house.

86- I plugged in my Audio-Technica headphones and without issue, I was able to listen to music.

87- I plugged in the control panel, placed my sensors on their respective doors, and positioned the motion sensor to monitor my front door.

88- It also worked perfectly fine with a PlayStation 4 in our tests, registering to the system as a headset as soon as the rectangular USB transmitter was plugged in. Because there’s no wired option, you can’t use the it with an Xbox One.

89- I tried slapping him awake, but it wasn’t until I plugged his ears up with my fingers that he finally stopped air-guitaring and asked me what he was doing on land.”

90- It works fine, except there’s a high-frequency noise whenever an Ipod is plugged in. It’s not quite white noise, it has a little bit of a squealing quality to it.

91- It would more than the creation a cast of characters to be plugged into a plot.

92- Just plugged it in and that was it.

93- Just plugged it in and the rest was done by the TV.

94- Lightning headphones plugged into it won’t play.

95- Like the desktop computer, it contains a similar processor, similar DDR RAM, and a hard drive that could possibly be solid-state, but regardless will most likely be plugged into an SATA port.

96- Local traffic and transportation infrastructure information can now be plugged directly into maps and apps created using Esri’s online software.

97- Make sure you don’t have a headphone plugged into your device.

98- Mine all failed after a month or so when plugged into a proto board socket.

99- Most whole-home Wi-Fi systems have two auto-configuring ports that become WAN or LAN based on what gets plugged into them.

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