plucked in a sentence 2

Use ‘plucked’ in a sentence | ‘plucked’ example sentences

49- Slowly, I plucked up the courage to ask a few people and to my surprise they were very forthcoming with their information.

50- So Patrick plucked a shamrock and used this to exemplify the Holy Trinity: “It is made up of three identical yet separate pieces – and those three pieces do not exist in isolation but are one.”

51- Suddenly plucked from Earth by a crazed Tai-Kok commander, Jaylan and Bree find themselves stranded on a hostile alien world, and being tracked by a deadly Askole assassin.

52- The ad plucked quotes that made Ward seem like a conspiracy theorist herself.

53- “The blossom that flaunts his color is soon plucked!” warns Master Zutsu, teacher at the Summer Moon School for Young Ninjas.

54- The Coast Guard was able to reach them and they were plucked out of the roiling sea one by one and drawn up into a helicopter.

55- The enclosed side yard of the Soho Grand looks like it’s been plucked from the pages of feature.

56- The reason I know this is because it is not a rhetorical narrative; it’s one plucked from my own experience.

57- The seer is not gone, but is an instrument whose strings are plucked by an invisible plectrum, whether Divine or otherwise.

58- These sweet, moreish berries can be enjoyed plucked straight off the rapidly growing vines.

59- The team in Hawaii even plucked eggs together at the farm, went on hikes, and participated in ad-hoc yoga sessions.

60- They’re then slaughtered, hand plucked, and game hung (hung for a length of time to improve their flavour).”

61- We’re always on the lookout for beach gear that will make us look plucked straight out of a exclusive collaboration with the that.

62- We’ve run the figures and plucked out the very best sim only deals available this month.

63- When Jane Eyre is plucked from the pages of Brontë’s novel, Thursday must track down the villain and enter the novel herself to avert a heinous act of literary homicide.

64- Wild Nothing were serendipitously plucked from the ether back in 2010, when Captured Tracks head Mike Sniper listened to their demos, on Myspace no less, and contacted Jack Tatum, who essentially is the studio end of band, to make a record.

65- With no goals, just a sense of wander and wonder as I drift from one farm stand to the next, the freshly plucked produce dictates our meal for that day, my creativity in the kitchen, and even the content for eyeswoon.

66- After cycling with him a few times and getting to know him better, I finally plucked up the courage in December 2017 and told him about the email that never was.

67- “Drag racing, especially in the greater Durban Metropolitan Area and the Port Shepstone area, is a growing problem and cause for concern especially when the lives of young people are just plucked away merely because of an obsession for speed.

68- Foraging might have been plucked from recent obscurity, but it has a pedigreed literary history of fine dining.

69- However, the bird was plucked and skinned, and a couple of the feathers were proudly worn in Uncle Albert’s hat.

70- If I just kept shut, then bystanders would just get plucked in with him.

71- I have avoided court because of his continual threats to reduce maintenance if I go to court but have finally plucked up the courage.

72- It is a name that evokes images of performers plucked out of the darkness of the stage and bathed in light so that the audience can revel in their artistry.

73- Last week I plucked a few omens out of the ether to highlight the good vibes around Cyril Ramaphosa’s inauguration.

74- Often, chimurenga music is seen as the “authentic Zimbabwean sound”, because its guitar sound was plucked from that most Zimbabwean of instruments, the mbira.

75- Savour tastes of island life with tantalising local cuisine and seafood plucked fresh from the ocean, or succumb to the finest world flavours, served with extraordinary ocean views.

76- The link between the native Finn and food isn’t just something he plucked out of thin air.

77- When Eve plucked the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, when she and Adam were driven from Paradise, there fell from the flaming sword of the cherub a spark into the nest of the bird, which blazed up forthwith.

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