ploy in a sentence 2

Use ‘ploy’ in a sentence | ‘ploy’ example sentences

50- A wonderful ploy is to stuff a number of Kongs and Squirrel Dudes with kibble.

51- Director Paul Greengrass has fashioned a taut little thriller where time is the essence as Phillips and his crew use every ploy in the book to prevent their ship from being hijacked by the pirates.

52- Hence it is the ploy of the Shias to defame, revile and criticize the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) in order to destroy the entire Deen of Islam.

53- I can guarantee you will have many more sellers up-in-arms with this marketing ploy if this in reinstated.

54- In it, he alleged two Jackson companies, MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures, had been used as a ploy to lure children to Neverland so the star could molest them.

55- Is this a ploy to limit the exposure of the case, who can say.

56- Its Yellow Card ploy collects reports of side effects for all medicines (including complementary medicines) and vaccines.

57- Let us hope that Shoprite’s move is not just a temporary marketing ploy and that the store will continue to keep the cost of pads down – a loss leader which shows that they know and value their customers.

58- M-ploy Global Resourcing – Centurion, Gauteng – Ensure compliance through best fit compliance practice aligned to regulatory requirements and create awareness and provide training to stakeholders to embed a compliance culture – Develop a compliance.

59- Question: Are political parties inciting protests as an electioneering ploy?

60- Some got up to disagree, to condemn what they perceived as a violation, a ploy in intimidation, and an attempt to polarize UCT’s student community.

61- Some Oblates perceive the Unification project as a ploy by some White Oblates to regroup themselves in order to maintain hegemonic dominant status in the congregation.

62- The dog may now learn to act helpless as a ploy to stop training at other times.

63- Their devious ploy backfired, however, and, rather than Daniel being eaten in the lions’ den, the satraps and other officials were (Daniel 6:24).

64- The ploy worked perfectly as they opened up a sizeable gap on their nearest rivals Yolande de Villiers and Catherine Williamson of Sasol Racing before a slower mid-section saw the chasers close in on the lead duo once more.

65- This is often a ploy to extract money from you.

66- Touched by her beauty and vulnerability, Mitchell rapidly becomes her protector, fending off aggressive paparazzi, stalkers and other villains, as well as a friend’s ploy to rob the house of its expensive art and vintage cars.

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