plinth in a sentence

Use ‘plinth’ in a sentence | ‘plinth’ example sentences

1- The pick-ups were assembled on a plinth, pre adjusted for height.

2- The oval plinth is an unusual shape and larger than in other examples, suggesting the figure was free-standing rather than fixed with lead in a separate base.

3- While her head is turned to the right, her left hand holds the plinth of a column on which there is a sculpted lion.

4- Above the plinth is a hemispherical dome, resembling an upturned pot of rice ( literally means ‘pot’).

5- He slowly turns around – and is horrified to see one of the mannequins step down from a plinth and halt in front of him.

6- Size wise, it is actually the smallest in length (4,395mm or 4,411mm with the plinth) and its 2,088mm width makes it slimmer than the F-Pace.

7- The 27-year-old has also been given permission to install a key fob in a stone plinth outside the four-storey house.

8- The 59 women and men chosen are named and pictured around all four sides of the statue’s plinth.

9- The first time I saw Donatello’s wooden statue of Saint Mary Magdalen, it was on a plinth in the Baptistry in Florence-memorably dark and fierce.

10- Cabotin has jaywalked oversea of the plinth.

11- Do you know the history behind the truck on the plinth?

12- The central plinth has the plaques on either side of it.

13- The description and detailing on the monument is that it is a coarse grained granite cenotaph with a slightly flared base set on a similar stone plinth.

14- The LED plinth setup has colour changing LED’s or can be set as 1 colour of choice.

15- The most likely range of tones it will pick up from the air are those in the voice-range, because those wavelengths ‘fit’ the plinth in size and are of the same tone that many common materials prefer to receive from the air.

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