plentiful in a sentence

Use ‘plentiful’ in a sentence | ‘plentiful’ example sentences

1- Fish are quite plentiful in the river.

2- Jobs are plentiful in this rapidly growing economy.

3- She shed plentiful tears when her beloved dog was killed in an accident.

4- In ancient Rome, puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful corn crop.

5- Many people come to North America because they think jobs here are plentiful.

6- Most of the population of Syria live in the western part of the country, where rainfall is relatively plentiful.

7- A buyers’ market is a market in which goods are plentiful, buyers have a wide range of choices, and prices are low.

8- Once plentiful lions and antelope are now scarce in Burundi because the swelling population of humans and cows have driven them off the plains.

9- In June 1497, when Italian explorer John Cabot landed in North America, fish off the coast of Newfoundland were so plentiful that they slowed the progress of his ship, and could be taken from the sea in baskets.

10- And now, self-improvement is an area where instrumentation is now plentiful.

11- Ohmes said farmers want plentiful yields, but not too plentiful to cause market extremes.

12- The prison is clean and humane; the food is plentiful; everyone has everything they need.

13- Row crops were off to a good start with plentiful moisture and favorable growing conditions.

14- The vitamin is plentiful in orange juice, red peppers, kiwi, baked potatoes, and strawberries.

15- In commodities, oil prices were a shade weaker, but plentiful output was broadly met by demand.

16- It’s worth the effort to find a post on the white sand beach, where the seashells are plentiful.

17- They will have known and lived other beautiful moments as plentiful and diverse as the earth is round.

18- Several cities in Texas and Atlanta offer both plentiful jobs and cheap housing, a Zillow study found.

19- Management was adamant that opportunities for both organic and acquisitive growth were plentiful in the UK .

20- Rains are plentiful enough that fresh water is readily available from wells and catch basins, despite the lack of rivers and lakes.

21- Large 500-2,000 acre suburban parks that feature several miles of diverse trails each are plentiful throughout the metropolitan area.

22- When food is plentiful, adult males will establish territories.

23- Supplies were said to be plentiful in this time, although quality of ammunition remained problematic.

24- The USPI was created first due to plentiful data and a large amount of diversity between states for level of peace.

25- There he founded an ostrich-ranch, and pursued his hobby of hunting among the game which was plentiful on Kenya’s high plateaus.

26- Ala is the earth deity and is appeased through Ogbom ceremony, which is believed to make children plentiful and to increase the harvest.

27- Greene, in a strong position with four hundred Rhode Islanders and in possession of plentiful cannon, grapeshot, and powder, rejected the demand.

28- Bus services are plentiful from Easter to October with the AD122 service (a reference to the date Hadrian commenced the wall) running every 2 hours.

29- Rainfall is usually plentiful in the winter.

30- Phosphorus and salt mines are the most plentiful.

31- During normal years, food is relatively plentiful.

32- Manuelian (1998) p. 381 The Nile provided a plentiful source of fish.

33- Tin resources are plentiful, and there are fairly rich deposits of gold.

34- The river is plentiful in trout and marron which can be caught in season.

35- Olive groves are also plentiful although many are uncultivated and overgrown.

36- The use of parodies adds to an already plentiful use of humor into the series.

37- Squirrels, deer, and other game are plentiful, attracting many hunters every fall.

38- Tunner looked to the Germans once again, hiring (plentiful) ex- Luftwaffe ground crews.

39- Small animals such as the black-tailed jackrabbit and western whiptail lizard are plentiful.

40- One pioneer wrote that “speckled trout were so plentiful, they could be caught with your hands.

41- Hundreds of species of freshwater fish are wide-ranging, plentiful and are very important food sources.

42- Sieges could last weeks, months, and in rare cases years if the supplies of food and water were plentiful.

43- This run is actually quite timid – being a simple straight run, and all of these runs suffer badly if snowfall is not plentiful.

44- A baluga chieftain named Caragan led his tribe in the rich balacat forests and settled themselves within its plentiful resources.

45- He used his microbots to alter the plentiful technology present in the city into giant, weaponized robots, similar to the MetalMites.

46- A Palm Beach mining company moved into the area to take advantage of the plentiful rock, which was in great demand in Palm Beach County.

47- Rainfall while usually plentiful, varies greatly both throughout the year and between years.

48- Addax are able to track rainfall and will head for these areas where vegetation is more plentiful.

49- Used C3s are cheap and plentiful, and their simple construction makes them relatively easy to repair.

50- The rarer but chemically identical 235 U must be physically separated from the more plentiful isotope.

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