plenary in a sentence

Use ‘plenary’ in a sentence | ‘plenary’ example sentences

1- The plenary passed a resolution on Voting Rights by acclamation (see text elsewhere this issue).

2- The Canadian prime minister will speak Monday at the plenary session with world leaders.

3- Further developing China’s private sector is likely to be high on the agenda at the upcoming plenary session.

4- Dromophis Peters 1869 (Reptilia, Serpentes): proposed conservation under the plenary powers.

5- By 2006, plenary speaking slots are allocated only to ministers or senior officials from a delegation.

6- The plenary session voted for the proposal and “Andrei Mureșanu” Prize on 1908 is awarded for “Schiţa monografică a Sălagiului.

7- In 1976, he delivered the first plenary lecture on “Birth and Rise of Polymer Science – Myth and Truth,” before the International Symposium on Applied Polymer Science.

8- These four are considered to be vishnu-tattva or Vishnu’s plenary expansions.

9- Merkurjev gave a plenary talk at the 2nd European Congress of Mathematics in Budapest, Hungary in 1996.

10- The following day he was revoked by the senators in the plenary meeting with 112 votes for,2 against and 5 abstentions.

11- On May 22, 2006, Yamamoto announced and made a speech that he was infected with cancer in the House of Councilors plenary session.

12- These conference offer plenary sessions, workshops, job fairs, oral presentations, poster presentations, and conference networking events.

13- The plenary Assembly is the highest decision-making authority within the Federation and is presided over by the General Secretary and an Executive Committee.

14- Ilham Aliyev’s address to recall the Azeri peacekeepers in Iraq was accepted at the plenary session of National Assembly by eighty six votes placet and one contra.

15- On March 11, Executive Order 9095 created the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and gave it discretionary, plenary authority over all alien property interests.

16- On 22nd November 2010 the assembly held concluded its 41st plenary in Douglas, on the Isle of Man. This was the first plenary of the Assembly to be held in a crown dependency.

17- In 2008 he served as plenary speaker at the 8th Iranian Congress of Dermatology, Schwartz RA: 8th International Congress of the Iranian Society of Dermatology, Tehran, April 2008.

18- The PSCAI holds monthly plenary Meetings or when required.

19- These awards are determined by votes cast in three rounds in a plenary session of the society.

20- ZAVNOH held three plenary sessions during the War in areas which remained surrounded by Axis troops.

21- He had sponsored and co-sponsored several motions and had contributed brilliantly to debates in plenary.

22- Holding(s) *”The power of Congress over Indian Affairs may be of a plenary nature, but it is not absolute.

23- However meetings of political groups and committee groups are formally given to Brussels along with a set number of plenary sessions.

24- Gomulka stated during the seventh plenary sessions of the Central Committee of that year: The school in People’s Poland is a lay school.

25- They are opened during Jubilee years, when pilgrims enter through those doors to gain the plenary indulgence connected with the Jubilee.

26- The economy was shaped by the Communist Party of China (CPC) through the plenary sessions of the Central Committee and national congresses.

27- The IT Leader Forum included a plenary Session and three Breakout Sessions with Russian and international experts and professionals in IT and enterprise-level management.

28- Join us in attending plenary, breakout, and roundtable programs, as well as fun activities and valuable networking sessions.

29- Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank (ECB), attends the International Monetary Fund Committee (IMFC) plenary session at the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

30- Speaking of which, make sure you leave enough time to get to meetings and sessions you’re booked in for – it can take 15 minutes or more to get from the plenary sessions to some of the other meeting zones.

31- The symposium ended with a plenary panel on the future of energy and the environmental humanities.

32- A final plenary – titled ‘What does success and winning look like: Implementing the National Tourism Sector Strategy’ will begin at 15:15.

33- An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin, or plenary if it removes all punishment.

34- Aside from workshops, plenary sessions, and networking meetings, the MACE Annual Congress includes a number of events and excursions.

35- Assembled on the occasion of their plenary session, the Catholic Bishops of South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland, will celebrate the Eucharist on 30 January 2005 at Regina Mundi (Soweto) with people infected and affected by HIV.

36- At the 42nd SADC-PF plenary Assembly in Namibia in November/December 2017, we tabled the motion Condemning the Reported Slave Trade in Libya.

37- At the SAS Forum on Advanced Analytics at SAS Headquarters (Cary, USA) held in April 2015, experts from the Centre for BMI played a leading role as plenary speakers, panel participants and workshop facilitators.

38- Before we start the plenary Session on country statements, I am sure that my Co-Chair will agree that in the interests of time and fairness, all statements will be strictly limited to seven (7) minutes per head of delegation.

39- But even this sprawling facility with its upmarket rooms and 18-hole competition grade golf course, is not able to house thousands of delegates in a plenary discussion.

40- Cabinet noted progress relating to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) and South Africa’s selection by the KPCS plenary as Vice Chair in 2012 and Chair in 2013.

41- Day two focused on a plenary discussion which allowed farmers and stakeholders to share outcomes and recommendations of previous day site visits, as well as, discussions centered on other agricultural related issues.

42- DC Linda Bond reported back to plenary on the work of the commission on the Ideal Leader and Ideal Correctional Official.

43- Dennis Brutus, Ashwin Desai, Cornelius Thomas – plenary session on “The Role of Sport in Building Democracy and Citizenship”.

44- Director of Africa-wide Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society (CASAS) Professor Kwesi Kwa Prah, in his opening plenary remarks, noted the use of African languages in education as one of the first factors of decolonising the curriculum.

45- Erika Kraemer-Mbula participated as a speaker in the plenary session on “Mainstreaming science, technology and innovation on Sustainable Development Goals”.

46- Erik de Boer from the Theological University in Kampen (the Netherlands) and a regular visitor to the South African Congresses on Calvin Research, also delivered a plenary paper and presented a seminar.

47- Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw headed the delegations and co-chaired the opening and closing plenary meetings.

48- For the National Council of Provinces plenary sitting on Wednesday, 5 December at 10.00 please provide your details by 16.00 on 4 December.

49- Her plenary presentation was “An Update of Epidemiology of Skin Cancer in South Africa”.

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