pledges in a sentence

Use ‘pledges’ in a sentence | ‘pledges’ example sentences

1- A wedding is a time for a couple to make pledges of love and faithfulness.

2- The United Nations is creating a superfund to battle HIV/AIDS worldwide and has invited pledges in an effort to raise $10 billion towards the cause.

3- The Walker camp made similar pledges about the Wisconsin governor’s aim.

4- This is why Saeedi believes that the Pakistani pledges are just empty words.

5- pledges started at $66 for one alarm clock and two aroma packs for early birds.

6- As more reach Greece, Britain pledges to take 20,000 Syrians from refugee camps.

7- Many countries want a mechanism to periodically review, and ramp up, the pledges.

8- Indeed, over a third of Thundafund’s investors used bank transfers to make pledges.

9- In a day, they received pledges of 500 euros ($550) to buy supplies, Unterberger said.

10- Taken together, the pledges could reduce emissions by 739 million tons a year by 2030.

11- 691421The campaign has already topped $36,000 in pledges, crushing its $10,000 target.

12- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pledges to visit Ukraine on May 8 / Photo from president.

13- But it’s also possible that Syriza could back down on some of its own demands and pledges.

14- A quartet of climate research bodies has criticized the pledges saying they’re “not ideal.”

15- The US contribution joins pledges from Germany, Canada, Italy and others to total US$248 million.

16- Mubarak pledges to pressure Saddam Hussein into allowing the return of United Nations inspectors.

17- Due to time constraints, it’s unlikely that these pledges will be changed before the Paris summit.

18- In July, a dozen firms ranging from Apple to General Motors to Goldman Sachs made similar pledges.

19- The video, backed by melodramatic music and pledges of allegiance to Assad, was then posted online.

20- Look for links to petitions, pledges, and other social actions embedded throughout these news iteMs. We also have to make sure these pledges are converted into actual cash,” Farhan Haq said in New York.

21- London Detective Inspector Craig pledges to find the child.

22- One of his main campaign pledges was the construction of an airport for the city of Toronto.

23- He pledges allegiance to no cause or goal beyond the termination of anything and everything that stands in his way.

24- Joyce reads the letter, which is from Witgood, who pledges love to her and urges her to disbelieve any rumors she may hear about him.

25- Harold finally concedes to his destiny and pledges his life to England.

26- Alibech pledges herself to him and Montezuma declares it their wedding day.

27- Mandalore pledges himself and his warriors to the service of the Jedi Exile in The Sith Lords.

28- Joukahainen loses and pledges his sister’s hand in return for his life, the sister (Aino) drowns herself in the sea.

29- In 1992 Botanist and environmental campaigner, David Bellamy led a dedication at the yew stating: There followed ten pledges to sustain all life forms.

30- Awards * ICAA “School of the Year” 1996 and 2007 Community service Serve-a-thon is an annual even in which students serve community members and also solicit pledges.

31- In March 2009, Mississippi State announced the conclusion of the university’s seven-year capital campaign, with more than $462 million received in private gifts and pledges.

32- Unredeemed pledges could be sold after a year.

33- Cai pledges to protect the twenty-fourth son, Goreu with his life.

34- Wesley Jennings, was a member of Iota Phi Theta’s first class of pledges.

35- Efficacy There have been numerous peer-reviewed studies of virginity pledges with varying results.

36- This is mainly a result of continued strong expansion of (1) the public-sector wages driven by government pledges.

37- Naren too pledges that he will even go on to become a protester or revolutionary, if that brings Rajjo back to him.

38- Abrahamian, Iran, (1982), p.510 *August 6 (15th of Mordad ): Shah pledges free elections by June 1979 in broadcast to the nation.

39- All members are required, as a condition of membership, to promise to uphold and obey both of these pledges.

40- A number of captured Scottish earls, lords and lairds were released; they sent hostages, called “pledges” into England in their place.

41- The HSUS’s campaign to end the hunting of seals in Canada secured pledges to boycott Canadian seafood from 300 restaurants and companies, plus 120,000 individuals.

42- ” Belarus also pledges to honor the rights and freedoms of its citizens and to maintain a stable government that is run by the people and based on the rule of law.

43- PCC gets on air recognition and funding for a broadcast internship program while APM controls the station and all the pledges, grants, and corporate underwriting revenues.

44- Are you or are you not going to abide by the campaign pledges you made?’

45- As of noon Eastern on Sunday, February 3, we’re up to over $30,000 in pledges in the comment thread.

46- “Beta House” follows the younger brother of Stifler, a character from the original “American Pie” movies, as he pledges a fraternity.

47- ‘But it has refused to budge without balancing pledges from developing states to open their markets to industrial goods.’

48- Changes to environmental regulations have been among the Trump administration’s most sweeping policy reversals, fulfilling Trump’s campaign pledges to roll back Obama-era regulations deemed burdensome to economic growth.

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