pledged in a sentence 2

Use ‘pledged’ in a sentence | ‘pledged’ example sentences

51- DraftKings, however, has pledged to continue running its business as usual in the state.

52- 682825The Asian Development Bank pledged $600 million, and Japan promised $260 million.

53- Prime Minister Stephen Harper also expressed sympathy and pledged support for the region.

54- 451319Labour has pledged to spend 2.5 billion pounds more than current government plans.

55- The shadow health secretary pledged to bring an “end to fragmentation and privatisation”.

56- She called for a global partnership and pledged to increase Germany’s development budget.

57- Pacquiao pledged he would be a “serious” senator should he win election in May next year.

58- SPIEGEL: One day after the attacks, Schröder pledged his “unlimited solidarity” to the US.

59- But the European Union pledged to continue working for Middle East peace “in the quartet”.

60- Before the result, Farage had pledged to quit as UKIP leader if he failed to win the seat.

61- But a massive gap remains between what they have pledged to do and what remains to be done.

62- The Gulf state has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the seaside territory.

63- President Obama has pledged to take in another 10,000, more than half of whom are children.

64- The page already has 257 backers who have pledged $42,758 of the $57,000 he needs to finish.

65- President Obama has pledged three billion dollars to what’s known as the Green Climate Fund.

66- Sanders, on the other hand, has pledged totally tuition free public college and universities.

67- None of the country’s main militant groups had previously pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

68- Darna is a base for Islamic extremists who have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group.

69- Prime Minister Trudeau has pledged to bring 25,000 refugees to Canada by the end of this year.

70- 772286The protesters later moved to the nearby Martyrs’ Square and pledged to stay the night.

71- ISIS is not the Taliban Trudeau has pledged to end Canada’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria.

72- During the campaign, Trudeau pledged to bring home the fighter jets and end its combat mission.

73- During a Commons debate, ministers also pledged an “outright ban” on fracking in national parks.

74- The China Mutual Fund Association said 25 fund companies also pledged on Saturday to buy shares.

75- 507564New Zealand pledged 1 million New Zealand dollars ($734,000) to help with relief efforts.

76- Responding to the audit, DHS pledged to bring shelters up to code and into enforceable contracts.

77- The U.S. has pledged to cut overall emissions 26 percent to 28 percent by 2025, compared to 2005.

78- British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged that the United Kingdom “will do all we can to help.”

79- His replacement, Aidarus al-Zubaidi, pledged on Friday to “cleanse Aden of the partisans of chaos.”

80- But recently elected President Muhammadu Buhari has pledged to restore the oil-wrecked environment.

81- Crucially for small businesses, Rubio has pledged to end special deductions and lower rates to 25%.

82- 682375The Armstrong family has loaned the material to the museum and pledged to donate it, he said.

83- Alexandra Ma also reports that oil-rich Dubai has pledged to put solar panels on every roof by 2030.

84- He has also pledged to eliminate taxes associated with purchasing new property for first-time buyers.

85- The news site said he had apologised for what had happened and pledged to take responsibility for it.

86- Authorities in the national capital have pledged a multi-pronged approach to try to stem the violence.

87- The signatories of the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 pledged to “respect each other’s sovereign equality.

88- Carnegie pledged $50,000 for the building of the library on the stipulation that the city would provide land and $3,000 a year for maintenance.

89- Labour and Socialist Left have pledged to maintain their allegiance with the Centre party even if the latter were not necessary to obtain a majority.

90- Lisa and other Creole families pledged substantial funds to build a church (now called the Old Cathedral ) near the river that was fit for the diocese.

91- For Lebanon, it pledged a total of $1.59 billion in assistance and deposits to the Central Bank of Lebanon in 2006 and pledged an additional $1.1 billion in early 2007.

92- Premier of New Brunswick Graham was elected premier under a platform called the Charter for Change, he pledged to focus on “the three Es”: energy, education and the economy.

93- He also dreams to be a full pledged superhero like Budong.

94- Zubiri is now considered a full-pledged TV-movie celebrity.

95- The Hillsboro Soccer Club also pledged $10,000 towards the project.

96- Alex learned of Nikita’s plans and pledged to help avenge her family’s murderers.

97- The Benghazi meeting condemned Ethiopian-Israeli cooperation, and pledged support for the ELF.

98- The People’s Electoral Movement pledged to diversify the economy and reduce debt and living costs.

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