pleasures in a sentence 2

Use ‘pleasures’ in a sentence | ‘pleasures’ example sentences

49- Any fan of the band will enjoy not only the biography, but the aesthetic pleasures of the book’s art and layout.

50- As Addie and Louis come to know each other better-their pleasures and their difficulties-a beautiful story of second chances unfolds, making Our the perfect final installment to this beloved writer’s enduring contribution to American literature.

51- As our time winds down, we all seek comfort in simple pleasures-companionship, everyday routines, the taste of good food, the warmth of sunlight on our faces.

52- “Barnes knows that one of the immeasurable pleasures of art is its capacity to approach us from unexpected angles and excite our senses of wonder.

53- Both heartbreaking and triumphant, and rich in literary pleasures great and small, is a powerful and haunting book.

54- But even she also greased the wheels a bit by acquiring a taste for her manager’s guilty pleasures: country music and Philadelphia sports teams.

55- But in doing so, in fact, we may be missing out on one of summer’s purest, plainest pleasures.

56- But she was, at heart, never far removed from the farm where she grew up, and as you say, “True bucolic pleasures incorporate the grotesque: they do not spurn it.”

57- But what’s the point of Guilty pleasures if there’s no guilt involved?

58- By the way, I love tacos, never cut my noodles and one of my greatest pleasures is eating every morsel of chicken – down to the bone.

59- Check out the recipe for these purple pleasures here!

60- Crime is almost unheard of, all have equal access to the pleasures and resources of t’T.

61- Crown Royal is one of the few rich man ‘Is pleasures you can afford to enJoy regularly.

62- Even writers have their guilty pleasures.

63- Far from an arduous task, keeping up with the drinking scene in NYC is one of the ongoing pleasures of living in this exhilarating place.

64- For each US$10 bid, it is an opportunity to make a difference and to win a fabulous array of “palate pleasures”.

65- For over a century, the Angelina tearoom has established itself as a high point of Parisian gourmet pleasures.

66- For them, thinking and writing about cooking and eating was thinking and writing about life-the pleasures of and meditations on both are tightly woven together.

67- Gastrochick, totally agree: it is one of life’s great pleasures!

68- “Heavenly pleasures” by Kerry Greenwood – great, and as usual, plenty of witty commentary by Corinna, the accountant-turned-master baker.

69- Holly is not a mature woman – she still parties and drinks heavily at 30, which is why the book itself is not as mature as The Year of pleasures.

70- Humans routinely endure pain to achieve a greater reward and the pleasures that accompany it; childbirth, for example.

71- Hygge is a temporary escape from the conflicts of daily life, a form of mindfulness focused on the enjoyment of human community and familiar pleasures rather than material consumption.

72- I am happy to say that this Labor Day weekend, I was able to enjoy many summer pleasures, and of these pleasures, my favorite were the pickled radishes.

73- I became so at ease with the modest pleasures of non-writer life in our bucolic corner of the world that I left town, like, only twice.

74- I let this waiting cast a shadow over other important things in my life: family, simple, daily pleasures; as if my whole life depended on this one, future goal to validate who I was.

75- I may just have to subject myself to wanton pleasures.

76- I miss the days when I would stay up too late paging through novels or memoirs, and lately have been longing for the simple pleasures of popping in a CD and enjoying a full album without getting distracted or feeling the need to skip around.

77- I’m sure most of us have their guilty pleasures that are not so healthy for us.

78- It’s one of life’s pleasures.

79- It’s one of the great pleasures of going to writing conferences, meeting people that you then want to introduce to your friends.

80- It’s one of the unexpected pleasures of writing.

81- I vaguely recall, in some long-ago college philosophy course, learning about the theory of John Locke that all people have the capacity without development for “lower pleasures.”

82- I want to give women readers the guilty pleasures we want without feeling like we have to embrace female helplessness.

83- Kevin was a Presbyterian preacher’s kid as well and he details one of his greatest pleasures regarding them.

84- Maybe he spends more time working on his guilty pleasures during the holidays and off-season, neglecting his fitness.

85- Most of the book’s pleasures are traditional ones, welcome reminders of how much an old-fashioned novel can do.

86- Much like going for a walk in nature, a delicious afternoon nap on a Sunday afternoon or a little time spent doing something creative like pottery or painting, cooking for yourself is one of life’s simplest and most therapeutic pleasures.

87- One can only hope, though, that after this long, teasing, wait, the pleasures that follow will have made it all worth it.”

88- One of his great pleasures is making “whizzpoppers” (expelling gas), which he does proudly near the book’s end in the presence of the queen of England.

89- One of the great pleasures of cooking at this time of the year is baking, and Mario Batali Holiday Food includes recipes for a dozen irresistible holiday cookies, some authentically Italian and others family favorites Mario has relished since childhood.

90- One of the great pleasures of this book is the richness of the supporting characters.

91- One of the most rewarding pleasures of teaching writing or literature is assigning students a story or novel they’ve never encountered and watching their faces when they are bowled over by it.

92- … One of the pleasures of The Lady in the Tower is that it invites the reader into the historiographical process as Weir’s emphasis on primary sources allows us to evaluate them alongside her.”

93- Research by Professor Katherine Milkman shows that bundling your guilty pleasures with productive behaviors can help you maintain better habits.

94- Ryan happened upon a Goodwill that feels the need to check your ID before it lets you partake in the pleasures of its restroom.

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