Use ‘pleading’ in a sentence | ‘pleading’ example sentences
96- She will especially heavily reprimand me for pleading the case incorrectly, using humanitarian grounds as opposed to defending her rights as a Ugandan and an intellectual.
97- So for example, if a lack of explanation or reason for the lack of knowledge would result in one’s opponent not knowing the case he faces, then in order for the pleading to be technically correct, it should state the reason for the lack of knowledge.
98- Special pleading about plots, conspiracies and opportunism will not resolve the problems: the established unions, employers, the state and society at large need to work together to eliminate the opportunities that make opportunism possible.
99- Students stood on the Lawns, arms above their heads, pleading with officers who had loaded their shotguns and took up positions on the wall separating the lawns and the public road.
100- The IWMSA has been highlighting these issues for years, and pleading with the regulatory authorities to take this crisis seriously.
101- Today MSF is again pleading for their urgent and immediate evacuation out of the country.
102- Upon leaving the store Steve came across a person with a cardboard placard pleading for food to feed his starving children.
103- Urgent voices – pleading that an elephant, rhino, lion, hippo, giraffe (name any African giant) needs surgery now.
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