plays in a sentence 6

Use ‘plays’ in a sentence | ‘plays’ example sentences

247- And I’m very appreciative of the guys wanting to be a part of this and committing themselves to this process, however it plays out for them individually.

248- And like the book, music plays a major role in the story.

249- And many, many children’s writers started off writing plays.

250- And so Marks tells it: his elite theater arts school, the six other very talented actors with whom Marks studied Shakespeare, and the dangerous way their plays began to spill over into real life and the murder that occurred because of it.

251- And the Danbury Fair Mall, one of New England’s largest shopping centers, plays host to weekly concerts with its SummerStage series.

252- And there’s a great deal of evidence that sleep plays a major role in deciding whether or not you indulge.

253- And while that’s exactly what happens in “Holly” this week, the way it plays out is both unexpected and cinematic: a powerful bottle episode in which Elisabeth Moss is almost entirely alone on camera.

254- And yet the music plays like an affront to this era’s cyclical, digitized way of life-using the scope of classic stadium rock and the soul of folky Americana to transport you to another time.

255- Andy Serkis (voice and mo-cap actor of Gollum from Lord of the Rings and Caesar in the new Planet of the Apes films) plays the main character Monkey and does a standout job.

256- A new study in ants identifies a peptide that plays an important role in regulating reproduction.

257- Aniston reunites with Stiller, only this time she plays his assistant only to fall for each other late in the movie.

258- Ann Sheridan plays a truck-stop waitress dishing both the daily special and the patter.

259- An- other 1ielba orchestra plays in the Café Pierre.

260- Another book that exists only in the plays an important role.

261- A number of Shakespeare’s plays seem to have transcended even the category of brilliance, becoming so influential as to affect profoundly the course of Western literature and culture ever after.

262- “Anything tragic, it’s tragic because it hits you in your gut. The other thing that does that is comedy,” said Jayden Pfeifer, who plays the role of Joey.

263- Apart from the physicality element of it-a requirement that plays out in the episode’s first few minutes-we thought, “How often do you see a mother reduced to this level of desperation?”

264- App design is at once a creative and enterprising activity that plays a huge role in garnering traffic and more downloads.

265- Apple in the enterprise plays a factor in Huddle, a collaboration vendor’s product strategy.

266- A provocative discussion of what it means to be a healthy and respectful man begins Thursday when the Twin Cities plays host to the 2017 national conference of A Call to Men, a violence prevention organization.

267- ‘Are any Shakespeare plays obscure?

268- Are they impressed by the cleverness of a political slogan that plays off a rather cheesy (sorry!) campaign to get people to drink milk?

269- Arsenal plays in the Champions League every year, sells shirts on every continent, prints money, and boasts a profile almost any club on earth would trade for.

270- As a bonus, Ken Watanabe (The Last Samurai, Batman Begins) plays a young man who learns the proper way to eat ramen from a venerable master.

271- As a teacher of high-school literature, I find them to be excellent resources for the study of various novels, plays, etc.”

272- As Carla battles to save the deepest love of her life, her past plays out against the present, vividly bringing forth a startlingly fresh range of characters in scenes that are as accurately drawn as they are unpredictable and innovatively conceived.

273- As epic battle music plays, far-right activist David Horowitz comes on screen.

274- As evidence of the increasingly central role cybersecurity plays in the UK, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is tightening its ties with law enforcement – announcing a new joint approach to how the country handles digital attacks.

275- As example, AI technology plays a key role in the 85-inch 8K QLED TV technology that Samsung introduced at CES 2018.

276- As foley designer, Dobson was responsible for the sound effects, which he plays live at each performance.

277- As for Stephen, who plays ace helicopter pilot T.C.?

278- As he sets off, a military operation plays out on the corner.

279- Aside from enriching the borough’s cultural landscape with amazing plays, Titan has been giving back to local communities in other ways, such as teaching drama at public schools and Queens Library branches.

280- As if Alison’s work is not derived from a community, or the community’s reaction to her plays absolutely no role in her work.

281- As it turns out, Harrison Ford plays a significant role in Fisher’s new book.

282- Asked about the wearable (he is wearing what seems to be a Charge 2), Smith is pretty vocal about the role it plays in his fitness routine.

283- As more customer, employee and partner interactions depend on web-based applications and services, DNS plays a critical role in connecting users to content; and if your DNS fails, you don’t exist-digitally speaking, that is.

284- As one of the five Mother Sauces (or Basic Sauces to a new, more PC generation of cooks), it plays an enormous role in the world of sauces and is the base for a large array of secondary and tertiary sauces.

285- As she plays Ellie, it’s likely she isn’t simply plugging in some gaps needed to help finish the game but working on core sections Naughty Dog still need to finish.

286- As someone who plays on both sides of the cyber security ping pong match, I’ve wondered whether I can use my hacking skills in self-defense of my clients.

287- As spring puts on its annual show in Manhattan’s Central Park, the is brimming with flowers and plants referenced in the Bard’s poems and plays.

288- As the game progresses player choices will impact how their Digimon allies digivolve, as well as how the story plays out and how it ends.

289- As they noted, location data plays a large role in Samsung’s strategy, from experiential marketing to campaign and audience insights.

290- As Veronica and Martha Dumptruck stroll off into the proverbial sunset together, Sly and The Family Stone’s version of “Que Sera Sera” plays, as a counterpoint to the Syd Straw version that opens the film.

291- As with everything I do, it feels like instinct plays a huge role.

292- As you can probably tell from the title, the series is set in Paris, and the city itself often plays a distinct character role in each tale.

293- As you may know, our body can’t produce vitamin D without sun exposure, and this molecule plays a much larger role in fighting disease than we once thought.

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