playbook in a sentence

Use ‘playbook’ in a sentence | ‘playbook’ example sentences

1- Many were quick to note that Mulcair seemed to be taking a page out of Harper’s playbook.

2- Bush, who has adopted Graham’s playbook as the anti-Trump, tweeted his support of Graham.

3- From what we gathered, attorney Victor Henderson is working from the Bob Loblaw playbook.

4- They have a great understanding that you have to change up the playbook to be successful.”

5- Barney’s blog In his blog, Barney promotes his newest book “The playbook“.

6- The playbook OS 2.0 stable release will be issued in February 2012.

7- The playbook by Barney Stinson and Matt Kuhn was published on October 5, 2010.

8- ‘ He also mixes in campy stage props and laughs straight from the Morning Zoo playbook.

9- The “Scuba Diver” con is not in the playbook, so the gang goes downstairs to find out what it is.

10- The playbook provides free access to a number of resources for building online communities from the ground up.

11- They are: The following are a list of playbook plays commonly used in basketball throughout the world.

12- And the rolled-out, rectangular dumplings in his comforting chicken and dumplings came straight from the Dixie grandma playbook, but bits of crackly chicken skin gave the dish texture and edge.

13- Another feature we were asked about several times was to make it possible to share variables between Ansible Container and Ansible playbook.

14- A playbook for all you disgraced male politicians out there.

15- As discussed in this blog post, we’ve seen an evolution in their playbook as criminals behind this campaign have fine-tuned their malware distribution techniques.

16- A similar playbook has worked before in 2018.

17- At a playbook forum on Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said that cutting taxes needs to be followed by cutting spending on popular federal programs.

18- Atlassian’s Team playbook has established an innovative way to help answer that question.

19- BlackBerry playbook: How did Research in Motion lose its way?

20- Both allow you to manipulate data in various ways (limited only by Python!) and can greatly simplify your playbook by offloading logic to a small Python plugin.

21- Business leaders will need to integrate AI into their strategies and create a new AI playbook that empowers people to do what they do best-imagine, innovate and create.

22- But the Chargers also aren’t boxing themselves in. Their secondary already looked like one of the best in the league, and a safety like James can only expand Bradley’s playbook.

23- But what is clear is that the White House will continue to follow its Porter playbook, a little bit of blame and a lot of denial, coupled with a refusal to acknowledge the institutional failure that Porter’s tenure at the White House exposed.

24- Creating PR campaigns and placing stories that reflect the season or any relevant holiday are tactics pulled right from the public relations playbook.

25- Develop an IT Infrastructure Services playbook Create an infrastructure services playbook to clarify infrastructure capabilities and achievable service levels, standardize infrastructure service.

26- Following the successful Gore playbook from 2000: promise more government money for most things, but promise to tax only the rich to pay for it.

27- For more information on the BlackBerry Tablet OS and BlackBerry playbook developing, visit http://us.

28- For more information, see playbook examples.

29- Four years ago, I mistakenly believed candidate Bruce Rauner would take a page from Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s 2014 re-election playbook and immediately bury Gov. Pat Quinn under a mountain of negative advertising.

30- From the author of “The Silver Linings playbook” comes another mischievous, outrageous, and unforgettable character in Matthew Quick’s new book, “The Reason You’re Alive.”

31- Google Typo Crashes Systems: “Spyware authors and phishing fraudsters yanked an old scam out of the playbook Wednesday by directing malicious code at Internet users who may be prone to typing or spelling deficiencies, according to security researchers.

32- Here, he and Pinatih give a step-by-step playbook to building a museum that showcases a neighborhood’s vibrant art (and spirit).

33- Hershey’s new Cookes ‘N’ Mint steals a page right from the Girls Scout playbook.

34- However, in time, Google took pointers from the Overture playbook, and introduced AdWords.

35- If you need some help with this then check out our customer journey playbook.

36- In 2016, Walmart released our Sustainable Packaging Position Statement and playbook which provides best practices, additional guidance and resources to help suppliers safely optimize design, source sustainably and support recycling.

37- In it, Allen permits Reines, then serving under Clinton at State, to actually ghost-write a Politico playbook item about the State Department.

38- In professional sports, the coach’s playbook is highly sought after and considered sacred.

39- In this edition of Patriots playbook, John Rooke and Erik Scalavino wrap up their preview of Saturday’s Patriots-Titans game.

40- In this edition of Patriots playbook, John Rooke offers his nitpicks on the Patriots win over the Dolphins.

41- Introduction to the playbook, your 100-day guide to executing on your departmental objectives after the program.

42- It is a big ask, and we have seen HP with WebOS, and probably RIM with playbook, fail at this task.

43- It is smart of RIM to support Flash and AIR, which along with HTML 5 web applications are likely the best bet for supporting something like the playbook without a lot of device-specific work.

44- It’s also possible that Wright might not know the playbook, which is reasonable, given that he just arrived in town.

45- It’s totally okay to have a different playbook.

46- Jim Cramer opens up his playbook of winning investment strategies.

47- Just like the original playbook, the playbook OS 2 has a perfect Acid 3 score, with no rendering artifacts.

48- Kobach’s controversial election commission in January, but the Census move on Monday is straight out of the Kobach playbook.

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