playable in a sentence 3

Use ‘playable’ in a sentence | ‘playable’ example sentences

100- That return to the band’s “bread and butter” is ultimately what makes so infinitely re-playable, and is essential to its appeal, but the irony is that the highlights of the album are those few songs that sway slightly from their perfected formula.

101- The latest Nintendo Direct confirmed that the infamous final boss from ‘The Legend of Zelda’, Ganondorf, will be playable in ‘Hyrule Warriors’.

102- The news surfaced by way of a playable preview available on the PlayStation Store, which teased gamers before dropping a couple big names, revealing Norman Reedus’ character, and wrapping it up with the game title.

103- These irons have the classic compact shape that better players prefer, but with technology for forgiveness (multiple materials) and distance (thin-face inserts) that make them playable for the rest of us.

104- The story is fast-paced and fairly intricate, and each of the many playable characters get decent screen time.

105- This process will allow you to reserve your personal gaming handle, and register your full address details so we can send out free updates of the Network Access Disk to you, which in the future will include playable online demos.

106- T stands for playable Teaser, there is no big hidden meaning.”

107- Unlock decorations, new vehicles, and new playable characters!

108- We only list used games in excellent, fully playable condition.

109- What could please a bunch of geeks more than a trip to a museum of playable, vintage arcade machines?

110- When running Fortnite at 1080p using high quality settings we find playable performance on almost all the GPUs tested.

111- With this in mind, we’ve tested 34 games on the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon: from current AAA titles to older 2D platformers, to give you an idea of what games are actually playable on modern ultraportables.

112- With Yeppar, a print ad for a movie is now a playable trailer.

113- A flute made of bone is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world.

114- All in all, this album is a highly recommended album if you are looking for playable, appealing versions of these Vineyard songs.

115- All KP3 base games and Extended ROMs are playable on the Concerto cabinet.

116- As a side-scrolling platforming shooter, the game managed to distill the genre down to it’s purest state and is still a very playable game.

117- Audio playable file extension:.

118- Capture certain enemies by sealing them inside special Traptanium Trap toys, which can be placed directly into the all-new Traptanium Portal, then return them to Skylands as playable characters to fight on your side!

119- Featuring Dante, one of the most iconic video game characters of all time, Devil May Cry HD Collection is full of the award-winning gameplay and style that the series has become known for, now playable on modern consoles.

120- I found an app called ScanScore and it works quite well at taking existing sheet music and turning it into a playable track on the computer.

121- Please note: you will be directly charged for the full price of the title upon purchase, and the title will not be playable before the launch date on July 12th 2019.

122- PUBG can be played by people of any skill level and has been deemed highly re-playable by critics and gamers alike.

123- The game’s four playable characters, who can be customised, have different weapons and abilities.

124- Thief is one of the 31 playable Characters in the game Castle Crashers.

125- This enahnced CD also contains bonus multimedia content which is playable on most computers.

126- Toad returns in Super Mario 3D World as one of the playable characters that the player can use.

127- Vi is a playable champion in the MMORPG video game, League of Legends.

128- With four sets of tees, the course is playable by golfers of any handicap.

129- Zangetsu will meet fellow travelers along the way, who can join your journey as playable characters.

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