platoons in a sentence

Use ‘platoons’ in a sentence | ‘platoons’ example sentences

1- The Hamilcar carried the battalion’s two Universal Carriers used to support the mortar and machine-gun platoons.

2- The GADA detachment, unaware of the situation, observed several platoons advancing down the southern slopes of the ridge.

3- Cody 1956, p. 61. With isolated platoons still in contact with the Germans and amidst high winds and a heavy downpour of rain, the New Zealanders had difficulty disengaging.

4- By 14 July, Morris Force was down to three platoons.

5- Guidons are also used in recruit training to identify individual platoons.

6- There he served as commander for both rifle and weapons platoons, as well as the B Company Executive Officer.

7- There are 4 platoons of 8 (1 Battalion Chief, 2 Lieutenants, and 5 Firefighters) working a 24/72 hour work schedule out of 2 fire stations.

8- The commander of “B” Company, Captain W.P. ‘Billie’ Nevill, had purchased four footballs – one for each of his platoons – to kick across No Man’s Land.

9- Dupuy however, states that two platoons did not receive the order to retreat after the skirmish with Israeli armor, and they proceeded towards the passes.

10- There are 3 Echo company Platoon, and 3 Charlie platoons.

11- Ambrose, pp.53-55 Changes were then made to the operational plan to accommodate six platoons.

12- The former 6th Light Infantry Division in Alaska used the M67 in its special weapons platoons.

13- Inspiring his men by his example of gallantry, he led them up the slope, joining his hard-pressed platoons in front.

14- The new schedule had the two platoons switching between the day shift and night shift each week instead of monthly.

15- Training Company is organized into four subject matter expert (SME) platoons for the conduct of the majority of the courses at CFLAWC.

16- The Canadian Army Trophy is now presented to the winning Army Group and awards were given to the three best scoring platoons of each Army Group.

17- Cope’s inexperienced army wheeled to its left by platoons to face the Highlanders, who were charging in from the east following their night march.

18- Scania is involved in a platooning project in Singapore, where the plan is to have platoons run on public roads between two port terminals.

19- The EU Truck Platooning Challenge: Volvo Group demonstrated platoons of three vehicles travelling from Sweden to Rotterdam.

20- Four platoons will be passing out tomorrow, with those that excelled in their training receiving awards.

21- In some, I was allowed to choose which platoons to join, or to wander between classes.

22- The drones will first be delivered to a single brigade combat team, but they will later be sent to platoons across the various brigade combat teams.

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