platitudes in a sentence

Use ‘platitudes’ in a sentence | ‘platitudes’ example sentences

1- Let’s talk about what happens in the moment and on the ground, without the lofty platitudes.

2- His Maximes never become platitudes, nor yet dark sayings.

3- Darlings of the music press, they were lauded with extraordinary platitudes: Playboy magazine, June 1984 “OZN.

4- The book is crammed with bragging and swaggering, pseudoscientific bombast, platitudes and vulgarities, and a great deal of sheer nonsense.

5- Mikael Wood of Spin commented that “Keys seems uninterested in breaking new ground, snooze-controlling her way through a series of familiar piano-soul platitudes“.

6- Beijing has played its part, responding with its usual platitudes and stern admonishments about Washington maintaining its “one China policy.” A pretty typical example of the platitudes that are served up daily to all of us educators who spend time on social media.

7- Don’t tell me that, as a nation, we can’t distinguish courage from stubbornness, philosophy from platitudes, and an empty suit from a full one.

8- He wanted to know if he was simply being naïve, mindlessly believing in platitudes that everyone else was wise enough to dismiss.

9- How many platitudes are we going to hear on the stump between now and November about America’s Heroes and Our Wounded Warriors?

10- Knowledge is what bring sides together and right now what we’re talking about is platitudes and soundbites, not knowledge.

11- My best lately was mashing my two usual email platitudes of “if you need anything further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch” and “if you need anything further please feel free to call me” into “if you need anything further please don’t call me.”

12- Palin’s policy statements are so generalized and nebulous that they sound like they could mean everything when in fact they are empty platitudes.

13- President Obama was the featured speaker, and he tried to calm their anger and fears with his usual platitudes.

14- The kids mostly roll their eyes at their teacher’s platitudes about being special and tolerant – they know perfectly well they’re the bottom of the food chain on the playground and pretty much in life.

15- The result was a strangely cursory front-page article, filled with half-truths and platitudes.

16- This book was very well-researched and went beyond just the basic “eat more veggies” and “high fructose corn syrup is bad” platitudes.

17- This is not the first time such platitudes have been made by the government.

18- We’d know we were hearing empty platitudes — and we’d cling to every word anyway, or at least the press would.

19- We’ve used up all the platitudes we know.

20- While Dennett can be a soft-spoken, jovial presence, he doesn’t suffer fuzzy thinking or banal platitudes– what he calls “deepities”-lightly.

21- With few exceptions, commencement speakers play it safe, offering vague platitudes but no real advice to graduates facing uncertain futures in an ever-changing world.

22- Last year, when he turned 75, they threw a major bash for Accused Number One in Soweto and he spent the day in the warm glow of an adoring crowd and the moist and soothing platitudes of his fawning inner circle.

23- Ndebele was the first African writer and intellectual to take stock of the sad, anti-apartheid platitudes and repetitive choruses of gloom and misery that characterised writing in this country during the apartheid era.

24- That means going beyond platitudes.

25- “Welch builds a vision of a Christian community that moves beyond platitudes and empty promises to deep, scriptural, Christlike relationships.

26- Women need real protection and respect – practical action, not pious platitudes from politicians and meaningless public holidays!

27- Women need real protection and respect- practical action, not pious platitudes from politicians and meaningless public holidays!

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