pit in a sentence 3

Use ‘pit’ in a sentence | ‘pit’ example sentences

101- Known as “The pit Bull”, he was a contestant on reality TV show The Next Great Champ on Fox.

102- “)< *Xi'an (Xi'an City Wall) >pit Stop (Leg 11)< The Detour on this leg was Spray or Scroll. 103- This was why Betty took a co-ed pit crew (Archie, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Chuck and Nancy).

104- The fireman began by lighting the fire in the locomotive, then driving it to an inspection pit.

105- Laufey tried to use his knowledge of land, such as trying to stop Odin with a concealed fire pit.

106- Blood and Dirt is a “metal” documentary DVD, directed by Tales From The pit creator, Jerry M. Allen.

107- A hollow pit was considered but ultimately rejected due to higher requirements for implosion accuracy.

108- Page 157. A William Forgisal (Fergushill) of Torranyard was miner at the Doura pit in the 18th-century.

109- There is also evidence of one of the earliest pit-fall traps in Europe which was discovered near Glenluce.

110- He designed a water harvesting systems implemented by FAO in Kenya and Ethiopia using shallow pit systems.

111- Also in safety car situations, the rules were changed to allow the safety car to use the pit lane if necessary.

112- Greg Murphy wins Race 1 but a slow pit-stop in Race 2 puts him 6th but still finished 2nd overall for the weekend.

113- ” Scanio said that Milligan would not allow him to identify whose body was found at the bottom of the center gun pit.

114- Because apical growth is the norm in red algae, most cells have two primary pit connections, one to each adjacent cell.

115- Every year 50+ of the worlds top slalom racers attend the competition as a pit stop through the Asian Windsurfing Tour.

116- The club found an abandoned sand and chalk pit in Charlton, but did not have sufficient funds to fully develop the site.

117- The whole urchin weighed about 7 grams and was attached to mounting brackets in a 2.5 cm diameter inner cavity in the pit.

118- The group was discovered by Deputy Sheriff Mark Mercer who was acting on a tip from a neighbor who had heard gunfire in the pit.

119- This special smolder pit does not require a fireballed player to stand up, although the steps up from the water take a few turns.

120- Each leg ends with a pit Stop, where teams are given a chance to rest and recover before starting the next leg twelve hours later.

121- In 1888, Walterclough pit, the largest and last coal pit in the area, was opened nearby, and in 1889, Charles Gregory finally died.

122- In 1965 Reser died of a heart attack in the orchestra pit of the Broadway stage version of Fiddler on the Roof just prior to a performance.

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