pioneers in a sentence

Use ‘pioneers’ in a sentence | ‘pioneers’ example sentences

1- They were pioneers of space flight.

2- The pioneers have overcome a series of obstacles.

3- As the pioneers travelled west, they often ran into Indians.

4- In early days pioneers lived in houses made of mud and straw.

5- Robbie’s great grandfather was one of the first pioneers to settle on a farm in Saskatchewan.

6- During the early 1800s pioneers began claiming fertile areas of land beyond the Mississippi River.

7- Because they often had no doctors, pioneers had to learn how to use plants to make their own medicines.

8- Nancy Astor once noted that pioneers may be picturesque figures, but they are often rather lonely ones.

9- Some of today’s young people will become the pioneers of the future in the field of science or computers.

10- One of the first things the pioneers did when they got to their new homes in the American west was buy land.

11- A lot of pioneers from Eastern Europe came to America to take up farming on the plains around the turn of the century.

12- 207010Electronic pioneers compete with disco greats for the top spot.

13- Particularly as this is the voice of one of the pioneers of the gang.”

14- Soon his sausages and smoked meats were a favorite among his fellow pioneers.

15- The pioneers had been allowing just over 56 points a game before Friday’s loss.

16- Duval defense rose up and held the pioneers on downs with just over a minute left.

17- 404211It’s a cultural revolution so we need pioneers to show that it’s possible.”””

18- 289996He told council that William J. Robinson was one of Moncton’s true pioneers.”””

19- Let Party cells become death-defying corps and pioneers in implementing the Party’s policies!

20- In an episode of “pioneers of Tomorrow,” a cartoon character encourages a boy to beat up Jews.

21- 720662The first wave of human Martian pioneers would need to be creative in their homesteading.

22- The pioneers who originally planted in Oregon, you’ve got to give them kudos all around, Jones said.

23- These “tourists” viewed themselves as pioneers or adventurers .

24- Even before 1890 a handful of adventuresome pioneers spent brief periods around the Arch Creek Natural Bridge, a centuries-old Indian settlement.

25- Wild animals such as bears and panthers often stalked the pioneers.

26- From 1933-1971 The regiment of Hazara pioneers was disbanded in 1933.

27- These four individuals were pioneers in trading emerging market debt (EMD).

28- The pioneers knew of the place along the stream where the barrel rims could be found.

29- By 2 am on 9 July, the pioneers were advancing into the southern outskirts of the town.

30- ” As such, Wilson and McKeown were among the pioneers of industrial heritage as an idea.

31- The pioneers of powered flight have all studied paper model aircraft in order to design larger machines.

32- One origination theory is that early pioneers stumbled across strange fissures from which sulfurous fumes wafted.

33- The early pioneers believed that if there were clouds blocking the summit then there would be approaching good weather.

34- Poncho was one of the pioneers of this new station and helped to make it one of the favourites among the young audience.

35- Hawks’s family on his father’s side were American pioneers and his ancestor John Hawks had emigrated from England to Massachusetts in 1630.

36- Thus, Thomas came to play a pivotal role in the development of Boise as a city and thus sought to help attract visitors and pioneers to the valley.

37- When pioneers arrived after first crossing through the Great Black Swamp they called the area the “Oak Openings” as a comparison to the thick swamp.

38- The Greek car designer Alec Issigonis created the iconic Mini automobile, while the computer scientist Michael Dertouzos was amongst the pioneers of the internet.

39- The band, which is still popular on three continents, had been among the pioneers of world music fusion and are a direct influence on countless bands in Europe and South America.

40- Pallavas were pioneers of south Indian architecture.

41- The Madras pioneers formed an integral part of the armed forces.

42- Reed is named for Oregon pioneers Simeon Gannett Reed and Amanda Reed.

43- Professor Zakrajšek was one of the pioneers of computer science in Slovenia.

44- Rochdale pioneers was the prototypical consumer co-operative, formed in 1844.

45- The former pioneers church Pastor lived right across the street from the Church.

46- Huang is regarded as one of pioneers and founders of modern pharmaceutical industries in China.

47- The pioneers defeated the defending champion Lions, 32-26, after two overtimes, in Israel Bowl II.

48- His name is engraved in a bronze plaque roll of honour of Internet pioneers at Stanford University.

49- Nees and his fellow pioneers Frieder Nake and A. Michael Noll have been called the “3N” of computer art.

50- Lear was among the first seven television pioneers inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1984.

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