pin in a sentence 3

Use ‘pin’ in a sentence | ‘pin’ example sentences

101- This is also given as “Ki-pin” (or Ke-pin, Ka-pin, Chi-pin) in old Chinese chronicles.

102- Also Bose used a 9-pin connection instead of the commonly used 6-pin comm. connection.

103- The 10 ampere style extends CEE 7/16 by adding a central earthing pin of the same gauge.

104- These overlap (like a sandwich) and are joined by a pin which passes through both metals.

105- Bravo went for a back body drop but Garvin held on for a sunset flip pin for a near-fall.

106- A new firing pin was a fraction of an inch too short, and the effort had to be abandoned.

107- This provides ample motivation for Supply Officers to qualify for a Surface Warfare Supply pin.

108- A belaying pin is a solid metal or wooden bar with a curved top portion and cylindrical bottom part.

109- However, on one occasion he hid a pin and pricked the patient with it when she reached to shake his hand.

110- One such appliance that fascinated Watkin and had potential for development was the pin and Tube Appliance.

111- The SB32 had the same MIDI capabilities as the AWE32, and had the same 30-pin SIMM RAM expansion capability.

112- The 4-day event has an atmosphere akin to the Olympics with pin trading, high quality competition, and teams.

113- Each pin consists of the corps symbol as well as a certain ornament which also contains the name of the corps.

114- OpenWire defines 2 types of pin lists: * pinList contains pins but is not responsible to create or destroy them.

115- The breech block houses a diagonally downward sloping firing pin struck with a front-action lock mounted hammer.

116- Near by village Takali Sikandar is the nearest official post office (pin code 413248) for villagers in Soundane.

117- US cereal box prizes In 1945, Kellogg inserted a prize in the form of pin-back buttons into each box of Pep cereal.

118- A ripcord is a part of a skydiving harness-container system; a handle attached to a steel cable ending in a closing pin.

119- The slide was fixed to the frame by a transverse wedge behind the breech that in turn was held in place by the firing pin.

120- “New Films In London”, The Times, 2 August 1943, p. 8 pin-up girl Bettie Page ‘s most famous features included Striporama (1953).

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