pig in a sentence 2

Use ‘pig’ in a sentence | ‘pig’ example sentences

46- However Devilgus’ efforts fail as The pig Star explodes, and he makes a last ditch effort to kill Sparkster while he’s defenseless in an escape pod.

47- The proverb is true that describes what has happened to them: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and “A pig that is washed goes back to wallow in the mud.

48- Imagine her horror and chagrin when she finds out the girl everyone called pig Face (Wilson) in high school is going to tie the knot before she does!

49- pigs can be aggressive and pig-induced injuries are relatively common in areas where pigs are reared or where they form part of the wild or feral fauna.

50- “Buying a pig in a poke” has become a colloquial expression in many European languages, including English, for when someone buys something without examining it beforehand.

51- ” Eric B. Ross The Riddle of the Scottish pig op cit.

52- O’Keeffe was a pig farmer before becoming involved in politics.

53- The game ends once one player has a rabbit, sheep, pig, cow, and horse.

54- The fanged face has been referred to variously as “War-pig” Carroll, Ted.

55- The Dreadnoks featured are Zartan, Buzzer, Road pig, Monkeywrench, Ripper and Torch.

56- He has a vaguely pig-like head and takes great pride in his “Castle Built of Blood”.

57- Marshall uses Barney’s teacup pig (in a cute blanket) to train Lily to resist Scooter.

58- Will and Holly shunt the pig toward the Nursery, and the Sleestak leader returns Rick.

59- The pig was released into the sky and was found in the nearby area of Azcapotzalco two days later.

60- pig The pig appears less frequently, and along with the hippo, competes against the cat (or cats).

61- ” The son’s pig-buying business has failed and his family is starving, in contrast with his father.

62- Kesey’s role as a medical guinea pig inspired him to write One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in 1962.

63- The pig farming simulation Acorn is the only complete, if modest, game so far that has been released.

64- If a Freeman in need of a rest was in Highgate, he could kick a pig out of a ditch and take its place.

65- She was familiarly known as the “Black pig“Citation needed and was one of the last serving British LSTs.

66- Alfalfa stands up to Butch by punching him into a pile of pig slop and Woim jumps in to avoid being hit.

67- They are bullies to Shaun and his flock, and they got told off in “pig Trouble” (Series 2) by the farmer.

68- “Occludin is concentrated at tight junctions of mouse/rat but not human/guinea pig Sertoli cells in testes.

69- The “pig” iron produced was too impure for forging (though it could be cast ): fining removed the impurities.

70- Balloon publicity pig balloon at the Lexington Barbecue Festival Balloons are used for publicity at major events.

71- The building The pig iron obelisk was erected in 1822 in the back yard and later relocated to the front courtyard.

72- The pig is roasted usually in cider and bay leaves, with salt rubbed in to the scored skin to make the ‘crackling’.

73- The pig also features in the dialect, with a romantic phrase apparently being “I wudna swop thee for a big black pig!

74- The pig was a characteristic animal sacrifice to chthonic deities, whose victims were typically black or dark in color.

75- One breed, the Tamworth pig is endowed with a very dense bristle structure such that sunburn damage to skin is minimized.

76- ” Lāfaipana said it was a pig, a pig so huge that it could not stand on it legs but lay down and grunted for food all day.

77- The song was also parodied on BBC Radio Scotland, by comedy group Flying pig Productions in their show Desperate Fishwives.

78- Levy recalled his first experience of Antisemitism in an interview: “Some kids from my class called me ‘Jewish pig‘,” he said.

79- The culinary qualities of lard vary somewhat depending on the part of the pig from which the fat was taken and how the lard was processed.

80- Lavoisier then measured the quantity of carbon dioxide and the quantity of heat produced by confining a live guinea pig in this apparatus.

81- Glowenko plans to take over the world with his army, but one of the penguins, codenamed Pablo the penguin, is tired of being Glowenko’s guinea pig and escapes.

82- pig Iron got a job working on an oil derrick, and Yankee Poodle became the highest rated talk show host in the business after she was exonerated of all charges.

83- Wilsford, p. 378. Raab also revealed his anti-semitism as a parliament member in 1931 when he famously branded the Socialist leader Otto Bauer an “insolent Jewish pig.

84- In ” An Elephant Makes Love to a pig ” as well as ” Jakovasaurs “, it was implied that Mr. Garrison has practiced bestiality with Cartman’s pig and a pigeon, respectively.

85- There is a dovecot and a pig sty on its gable end.

86- Blowing pig‘s bladders was not without its hazards.

87- One day, while he is asleep, she finds his pig skin.

88- Talisay is known for its “Inasal Baboy” ( Roasted pig ).

89- Sibyl then sets out looking for the talking pig, Gryllus.

90- ‘” (p. 88) The Guardian calls Freddy a ferocious wild pig.

91- They hobble away and stumble upon the pig people’s cave campsite.

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