piercing in a sentence 2

Use ‘piercing’ in a sentence | ‘piercing’ example sentences

51- The Guerrero fired 162 4 inch shells, of which 20 were shrapnel rounds and the others armor-piercing shells.

52- “Frio” is the Spanish word for cold and commemorates work conducted in the area in 1979 in piercing cold wind.

53- This has a large amount of kinetic energy and will penetrate the armor as solid-cored armor-piercing shot would.

54- The increased muzzle velocity and operating pressure of the new gun required a new armour piercing projectile to be designed.

55- The piercing will leave a tube of scar tissue, which will remain even if the jewelry is removed and the piercing allowed to heal.

56- The piercing should be cleaned daily with an antibacterial soap (not Dial ), and a condom is recommended during penile intercourse until it fully heals.

57- Fusing The traditional fuze is the same as a classic armor-piercing bomb : a combination of timer and a sturdy dynamic propeller on the rear of the bomb.

58- The armor-piercing round, weighing 48.78 kg, had a muzzle velocity of 600 m/s and a maximum penetration of 125 mm of RHA at 90° at a range of 500 meters.

59- The word “and” was sometimes replaced in the logo by a pseudo- mathematical symbol comprising a horizontal right-pointing arrow piercing an inverted U-shape.

60- In J. Price 2000 121 130. The bead body could be constructed in a number of different ways; winding, drawing, piercing, folding or even a combination of these.

61- References Surface piercings are best left alone to heal themselves, constant cleaning only serves to irritate the piercing and actually hinders the healing process.

62- Lipinski bounded across the ice as her music ended, punching her fists in the air and smiling from ear to ear, and emitted a piercing scream when her marks were posted.

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