picnic in a sentence 2

Use ‘picnic’ in a sentence | ‘picnic’ example sentences

51- Supposing it rains tomorrow, will you still go on a picnic?

52- The children celebrated the end of school by having a picnic.

53- We ordered vast quantities of food for the high school picnic.

54- Urgent business discouraged him from going on a picnic.

55- kebukebuTo her great disappointment, it rained on the day of the picnic.

56- The column of ants was slowly marching towards the picnic basket.

57- We’ve got to get up early tomorrow.

58- We’re going on a picnic.

59- He probably won’t go on the picnic tomorrow.

60- I won’t either.

61- The weather looks awful today.

62- Why don’t we have our picnic tomorrow?We stretched a large canvas tarp over the picnic area in case of rain.

63- Mustard, ketchup and relish for the hamburgers are on the picnic table.

64- We suggested to her that we should go on a picnic the following Sunday.

65- We wiped the picnic table with a damp cloth before setting out the food.

66- The weather seems to be frowning on our plans for a picnic this weekend.

67- We constructed a big picnic table for use by ourselves and our neighbors.

68- We pulled the kayaks up on shore, and sat down on the beach for a picnic.

69- I picked up half a dozen bagels and some cream cheese to take on the picnic.

70- We had to chain our picnic table to a tree to keep someone from stealing it.

71- My wife had a terrific idea, why don’t we all get together for a picnic this weekend?We’ve had to postpone the picnic because a number of people are busy that day.

72- We peeled a whole sack of potatoes to make potato salad for the company picnic.

73- We put the children in the carriage and took them down to the park for a picnic.

74- I don’t know if it will be fine tomorrow, but if it is fine we’ll go on a picnic.

75- The picnic basket was hurriedly thrust into the back of the car, and we were off.

76- The park was empty except for a couple of strollers, and a family having a picnic.

77- We heard the boom of thunder just as we were getting ready to leave for our picnic.

78- The children voted unanimously to go to the park for a picnic on the last day of class.

79- She arrived at the picnic with three hyper children, a cranky husband and two dogs in tow.

80- This specially-insulated picnic basket will retain a constant temperature for up to 3 hours.

81- No one brought any utensils to the class picnic, so I bought a package of disposable cutlery.

82- W.

83- H.

84- Auden once wrote that death is the sound of distant thunder at a picnic.

85- We underestimated how many people would come to the company picnic, so we ran out of hamburgers.

86- We overestimated the number of people that would be at the picnic and wound up with too much food.

87- I knew you guys wouldn’t have enough plates and cups for the picnic, so I brought a bunch with me.

88- When we came back to our picnic basket, we found that there were ants all over our blanket, and even in our food.

89- When we came back to our picnic basket, we found that there were ants crawling across the blanket, and into our food.

90- The children were sorely disappointed when their grandparents phoned to say they couldn’t come to their school picnic.

91- The recent murder of a family on a picnic is threatening to turn the simmering anger in the region into a more serious conflict.

92- Police officers and a large team of community volunteers are urgently searching for a little girl who disappeared from a family picnic in a local park.

93- 454557Last year, picnic in the Park provided more than 53,000 meals.

94- After the convocation ceremony, the students were treated to a picnic.

95- They call it the Walrus & Carpenter picnic, after the Lewis Carroll poem.

96- Or have it packed to picnic at the Cooked Goose and enjoy it at East Beach.

97- picnic in a park The picnic is the crux of Brisbane’s public bonding culture.

98- It comes with a Champagne picnic and approximately 30-minutes of bottom time.

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