physically possible in a sentence

Use “physically possible” in a sentence | “physically possible” example sentences

1- The number of physically possible elements is unknown.

2- Or is that pose actually physically possible ?

3- Critics contend this is not physically possible .

4- People wanted to share way more information than was physically possible .

5- Of course, it is neither physically possible , nor required.

6- Other physically possible supertasks have been suggested.

7- You tell me : is it even physically possible ?

8- They have beaten as wide a path as physically possible .

9- Other memory configurations may have been physically possible but were not tested.

10- Optimus Prime : That’s not physically possible .

11- If determinism is true, there is only one physically possible future.

12- Anything faster is not physically possible .

13- Is time travel physically possible , perhaps only if paradoxes are censored?

14- These scenes are beyond humanly or physically possible and I mean Physics.

15- That just isn’t physically possible .

16- I need Laney to have as many prayers as physically possible tomorrow.

17- Sometimes one just has to live within the constraints of the physically possible .

18- The how is the weak link, but at least I suppose physically possible .

19- Homeopathy only heals, it is not physically possible for it to harm.

20- Even if that is physically possible , it’s going to be totally unpleasant.

21- The postulated mechanisms of action of homeopathic remedies are both scientifically implausible and not physically possible .

22- The cheat required players to complete the game a scant few seconds faster than is physically possible .

23- There were so few Protestants in Spain that widespread persecution of Protestantism was not physically possible .

24- Which of the following terms is used to refer to opportunities that are practical and physically possible ?

25- Depending on which instrument you play , hours and hours of practise are not always physically possible .

26- Contestants must rest in a confined space occupied by as many of these animals as physically possible .

27- This functions much like “can” but with the sense of being physically possible to do.

28- To make the chain physically possible , an attendance of approximately 200,000 people was required in each state.

29- Is Warp Drive physically possible ?

30- As a re-enactor, one has a sense of what was physically possible and what wasn’t.

31- Is that physically possible ?

32- Just not physically possible .

33- That kind of movement shouldn’t be physically possible …” “Well, it’s like this.

34- The two musicians perform over twenty instruments to recreate the original album ‘as faithfully as physically possible ‘.

35- They are reluctant to wet or soil it, and will keep it clean and dry if physically possible .

36- Joshua Hill Not physically possible , the original X has a 5.09” body according to Chris Chavez.

37- Also, it isn’t physically possible to sit and listen to a rap album all the way through.

38- Thus, the evaporator of pumpable ice makers is typically as long as physically possible whilst not exceeding production capabilities.

39- I didn’t even know it was physically possible to get that much fluid in that short a time!

40- There are physical constraints on thermal profiles: not everything one can imagine is physically possible , or even plausible.

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